Av. João de Deus 27, Alcobaça, Portugal

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lauren Salerno: I think it’s pretty obvious that My Fancy Wedding is going to deliver a beautiful wedding (if you’ve looked at their Instagram you’ll know + I've included some photos), but it was all the things that happened behind the scenes that really make them standout as wedding planners. This is going to be long, but worth it. First off, anyone planning a wedding is always concerned with budget and as a professional producer I’m hyper aware of all things financial. MFW was always so considerate of budget without ever making me feel cheap or bad—they were always very transparent about where money would go the furthest and be most noticed by our guests. I even asked them what they would do with an extra $10,000 and they told me they didn’t think the wedding needed it (and it didn’t because our wedding was spectacular). They are 100 percent trustworthy. In addition, everything budget related was approved by me before the money was spent. We planned our Lisbon wedding from Los Angeles and the communication between me and MFW was always very clear. Carolina and Sofia may be the two most positive people I’ve ever met in my life. No news was ever bad news and when you are planning a destination wedding it’s incredibly reassuring. For example, I don’t think we would have been able to get our wedding venue if it hadn’t been for them—we were 12th on the waiting list (yes! 12th!!) and I’m 100% certain the only reason we were able to get the venue is because MFW encouraged me to move forward with what I really wanted (and I had to have that venue) and after a few days of checking with all the other people on the waiting list, we got it! All the vendors they recommended were top-notch and if they weren’t the perfect match, they always went back to the drawing board and presented us with new options that were more in line with what we wanted. For example, Carolina found us our dream acoustic guitarist—I still have no clue how she did it because we had the most absurd request, but she did it with flying colors. Less than two weeks before the wedding I decided to add a gelato cart, a bigger band for cocktail hour and a few additional things throughout the day. Everything was completed by Carolina without any issues or complaints—she was beyond helpful and made everything so incredibly easy. Everything was literally delivered to me on a silver platter. Carolina went out of her way to accommodate me—she even helped me find restaurants and make reservations during the wedding for my family. She went and picked up a candle for the birthday cake we surprised my mom with at the wedding. She’s so genuinely kind and thoughtful!! If you are at all on the fence about hiring wedding planners, don’t be—My Fancy Wedding was 100 percent worth it. If I were to do it all over again knowing what I know, I don’t even think I would have wanted a wedding because there is no way you can do what they can do— the wedding process was so stress-free and on the day of the wedding MFW literally took our breath away with what they created for us. All of our friends and family have told us that they we have ruined any other wedding they will ever attend because ours was so fabulous and I give most of the credit to the My Fancy Wedding team. Truly, from the stationary, to the menus, to the flowers, to the candles, to the chairs, to the lighting—everything was literally a magical dream! One of the reasons we originally fell in love with Lisbon and the reason we wanted our wedding there is because we loved the people—Sofia and Carolina exemplify the kindness, hospitality and charm of Lisboans. You couldn’t be in two sweeter or more talented hands. You’ll not only walk away with a beautiful, stress-free wedding, but you'll walk away with two new friendships in Sofia and Carolina!
2019-12-14 09:51:38
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Aguiam Wedding Photography: Tem sido uma experiência incrível trabalhar com a Lisbon Wedding Planner, com um longo Know-how mas sempre inovadora, decorações onde transparece toda a dedicação e amor pelo que fazem, só com muita competência e profissionalismo se conseguem bons resultados, Claudia Gameiro e a sua simpática equipa, sempre atentas e dedicadas, para que todos os eventos sejam uma experiência inesquecível.
2020-05-24 10:34:20

Comentários recentes sobre outros lugares próximos Clinica do Atlantico

De longe o pior Home Depot com que já tive a infelicidade de ter de lidar. Encomendaram um item online e perderam-no prontamente no seu inventário. Tentaram descobrir o que aconteceu, mas recusaram-se a pegar em telefones em todos os seus departamentos. Vim pessoalmente e conheci os representantes de clientes mais irritados, preguiçosos, mal-educados e depreciativos que já vi. Recusaram-se a procurar ou a fazer qualquer coisa e recusaram-se a chamar o seu gerente... Felizmente, dois trabalhadores de outro departamento vieram e encontraram-na... Nenhum nome, nenhuma etiqueta, nenhum número.... vai a outro lugar, mas aqui, este lugar é HORRÍVEL :)
Fui lá para comprar uma máquina de lavar e secar, HE FRONT LOADERS, SAMSUNG. No prazo de 10 minutos após a confirmação via telefone Id estar em baixo para comprar e estava certo, quando eu cheguei eles venderam para outro. Um pouco irritado, eles me mostraram um conjunto semelhante por 500. Eu concordei e também precisava de um novo frigorífico. A que eu queria não estava funcionando, então depois de gastar 850 dólares, eu estava contente com meus itens. Assim que tirei tudo da minha casa e tirei os meus próprios electrodomésticos, imediatamente a máquina de lavar não funcionou. Então a geladeira não estava fria. Pela manhã eu tinha perdido cerca de 20p dólares de carne e mantimentos e meu freezer estava a 48 graus! Já se passaram mais de 2 semanas, e tenho o frigorífico avariado e o meu velho frigorífico na cozinha, sem qualquer preocupação em rectificá-lo. Além disso, ainda não tenho máquina de lavar!! Eu exigi dinheiro de volta e fui recusado. Continuo a ligar, e sem resposta...e nem sequer um voicemail! Estou chocado e nunca fui tratado tão mal em toda a minha vida...e sou da Califórnia!! Eu me senti enganado e 2 semanas depois eu coloquei 850 dólares e ainda sem aparelhos! Eles deveriam ter vergonha e ser reportados ao Better business bureau!

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