Sixt Rent a Car

Agência De Aluguel De Carros em Lisboa, Lisboa
Avaliações: 275 | Classificação geral: ruim
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Sábado 6AM–12AM
Domingo 6AM–12AM
Segunda-feira 6AM–12AM
Terça-feira 6AM–12AM
Quarta-feira 6AM–12AM
Quinta-feira 6AM–12AM
Sexta-feira 6AM–12AM

Alameda das Com, 1700-111 Lisboa, Portugal


Ana Beja

A mesma situação reportada na sixt da avenida da liberdade. Está fechada. Não atendem, não informam. Chegamos disseram para irmos ao aeroporto. No aeroporto esta fechado. Os contactos ora desligam ora não atendem. Funcionários indicaram de outras indicaram o prior velho como unica aberta. Fomos, felizmente atendidos por funcionarios humanos mas sobrecarregados.
Tracy David

Ne prenne pas de carte de débit hors sur notre facture il était bien stipulé débit accepté. Ils ont eu le comparateur au téléphone ils n'ont rien voulu savoir alors qu'ils étaient en tord ! Je déconseille !
tristan goetz

Nous avions loué 3 voitures, durant une semaine en juillet, 9 mois plus tard nous nous retrouvons avec des amendes pour péages non payés. La voiture disposait du dispositif de télépéage mais à aucun moment l'agence nous a indiqué qu'il fallait l'activé ou nous a parlé du fonctionnement du télépéage à Lisbonne (en effet le prix des péages est directement retiré de notre cb grâce à ce dispositif si la demande en est faite) or sans information difficile de le deviner. Finalement nous nous retrouvons avec 3 amendes, 1 pour chaque voiture, contenant environ 5 péages non payés.
Yannick Guerin

A EVITER ABSOLUMENT ! A La remise de la voiture, vite expédiée , personne ne vous accompagne jusqu'au véhicule garée dans un coin sombre du garage, l'employé sortant seulement du bureau pour fumer une cigarette... Au retour véhicule passé au crible sous bon éclairage... et au final comme on voit que vous reprenez l'avion (bagages), votre compte en banque est allégé 2 semaines après votre retour ( 305 euros avec facture)- Lisez bien les avis et dans votre intérêt EVITEZ ABSOLUMENT CE LOUEUR _J'ai72 ans , de nombreuses locations de voitures et c'est la première fois que je rencontre une telle façon de faire... FUYEZ SIXT AEROPORT de LISBONNE (c'était ma 1ère expérience avec SIXT).
Leon David Esquenazi

Look at all reviews here! They are a rip off! Do not rent from these people. After I left the country they made up all kinds of charges to my card under a bogus "damage" to car. It took some time going back and for with my credit card but I was able to get those charges reversed but I just notice I recently got another charge for a trip I took in October of last year. It was a terrible experience right from the start when the vehicle was not registered with authorities and had to go to the airport again and get another car to replace ours, the via verde toll transponder on the second car was not working and all kinds of charges were sent to my card with penalties, Then the Adblue additive to the car ran out and we had to go purchase and refill and never got reimbursed. I have rented from Sixt before in other countries and have never had such awful service.
Stefan Mühlthaler

Bisher dachte ich bei SIXT kann man nix falsch machen und es handelt sich um einen seriösen Anbieter. Leider wurde ich in bei dieser Filiale eines besseren belehrt. Bereits am Schalter im Flughafen Lissabon mussten wir 1,5 Stunden warten, es wurde versucht zusätzliche Versicherungen zu verkaufen (ok normal, das machen ja fast alle und ist nicht so schlimm). In der Garage wurden wir eine weitere halbe Stunde hingehalten. Dann wurden uns die Schlüssel in die Hand gedrückt und gesagt, dass alle Kratzer unter 5cm keine Rolle spielen. Kein Rundgang ums Auto, lediglich Druck machen, dass wir schnell Platz machen und losfahren sollen. Bei den Lichtverhältnissen in der Garage ist es unmöglich Kratzer zu erkennen. Des Weiteren fehlte Wasser für die Scheibenwischanlage. Die Rückgabe des Wagens lief problemlos. Eine Woche!!! später bekomme ich eine E-Mail mit der Info, dass über EUR 300,00 für Reparaturen von Kratzern, sowie weitere EUR 35,00 Bearbeitungsgebühr von mir bezahlt werden sollen. Auf den übermittelten Fotos ist kaum etwas zu erkennen und meine Unterschrift auf dem Protokoll fehlt. Außerdem ist vermerkt, dass der Wagen innen verschmutzt war, was definitiv nicht den Tatsachen entspricht. Auch wenn ich zum Glück keine Selbstbeteiligung bezahlen muss kann ich die Vorwürfe nicht im Raum stehen lassen, denn dass ganze ist offensichtlich Betrug. Auf keinen Fall den Fehler machen und dort einen Wagen mieten. Die mit Abstand schlechteste Erfahrung mit einem Mietwagenanbieter ever.
Damien Charbonnier

J'ai loué une voiture au Portugal chez SIXT, avec des dommages existants notifiés à l'agent lorsque qu'il m'a remis les clés de la voiture. Lorsque j'ai rendu la voiture, l'agent en charge de checker la voiture m'a accusé moi d'avoir commis le dommage. Le monde à l'envers, ils m'ont prélever 312 euros sur ma carte. Cela fait des mois que je me bats pour récupérer cet argent qui m'a été clairement escroqué par la société SIXT. SIXT est de loin la pire compagnie que j'ai connue dans le milieu de la location de voiture. Personne de cette compagnie prend la peine de reprendre mon dossier correctement, c'est incroyable.
labros Labropoulos

Best prices, good car and fast service, I would prefer to be informed about some extra costs before or during the booking
Eduardo Moura

Tudo certo e com segurança. Não tivemos problema nem para pegar o carro nem na devolução.

6/14/19 After writing Sixt, they withdrew their damage charges they originally stated I caused. I will use Sixt again. I will be more careful and diligent in documenting any damage to cars I rent. 6/6/19 sixt states I caused a scratch for which they want to charge me $259.84 euro. I will never use sixt again. When I returned the car there was no attendant on duty. I searched the premises of Sixt and found no one to inspect the car to make sure theres was no damage. I found a drop box where I deposited the key. I did not feel comfortable with this since there was no attendant to verify there was no damage. The photographs you sent do not offer evidence of when the photographs were taken. In turn, I have attached a photograph of the car without damage. I am therefore disputing your claim that I caused the scratch on the car. If you would have had an attendant available to inspect the car when it was returned, the report would have proven no damage. I have no control of Sixt car rental business practices and your choice not to have an attendant inspect the car upon return. Furthermore, you notified me a week after the car was returned. The scratch could have been made during that void of time? I’m only speculating. The point being you notified me a week after the car was returned. You should have notified me immediately. Therefore, I respectfully dispute your claim of $224.84 plus $35 damage and handling fee totaling $259.84 and request you not charge my credit card for damage I did not cause. I have filed a dispute with my credit card against your claim. Please advise me of your position on this matter as soon as possible so I may defend my position further if needed.
Michel Tosto

Thieves! - I had to return the car a few days before the end of the rental because of faulty electronics that weren’t my fault, and they refused to give me a refund for the unused days...! They are nothing more than thieves...
Chris Lenz

Top-Autovermietung. Die Rückgabe ist besonders hervorzuheben. Sehr freundlich und unkompliziert. Meine Empfehlung!
Ricardo Forte Pace

Lamentável - para dizer o mínimo - o péssimo atendimento e comportamento condenável da Sixt Rent a Car do Aeroporto de Lisboa: Contra todos os fatos e provas - como fotos tiradas imediatamente antes da devolução do veículo e vídeos que poderiam conferir nas câmeras de segurança - insistiram na cobrança indevida por conta de riscos e avarias causadas no carro, muito provavelmente ocasionadas devido a manobras radicais e arriscadas dos seus próprios manobristas à entrada da garagem. No dia da devolução do veículo, em meio ao caos total causado pela desorganização em recebê-los, muitos passageiros - evitando o risco de perderem seus vôos - retiravam sua bagagem e abandonavam o carro na fila de espera (com a chave no contato), não sem antes fotografarem o carro.. Testemunhando essa atitude e precavendo-nos quanto ao risco de algum incidente por conta da fúria dos manobristas, nós também o fotografamos... mas afinal decidimos esperar para entregar o carro (locado um dia antes, apenas para transportar a bagagem ao aeroporto ) no stand, e as chaves nas mãos do funcionário. Por um triz não perdemos nosso vôo! E (pasmem!) cinco dias após nosso retorno, recebemos via e-mail uma fatura de mais de 1.000 euros por conta de riscos e avarias no carro, nos incutindo, descabidamente, a culpa por danos pelos quais não fomos absolutamente responsáveis. Não obstante a troca de e-mails através dos quais não só rebatemos as acusações e enviamos as fotos, como lhes solicitamos que conferissem os vídeos das câmeras de segurança, nos debitaram indevidamente no cartão de crédito! Detalhe: fomos desmotivados a fazer seguro total, já que o aluguel seria apenas por um dia, e o deslocamento bem curto. Falsidade ideológica, desorganização, desrespeito , abuso, imoralidade, é o mínimo que podemos concluir de uma atitude como essa, para não falar em má-fé. Por isso meu alerta: evitem a todo custo alugar seus carros através da Sixt. Quando me lembro do fato de tantas pessoas estarem fotografando seus carros, ao deixarem-nos, chego à conclusão de que esta seja uma ação defensiva contra o que, muito provavelmente, seja uma situação recorrente!
Clark Barr

We waited over 1.5 hours for the car... First inside the terminal to do the paperwork and then again in the parking lot. The business seems very poorly managed, with no apparent effort to process customers quickly.
gerard michalon

J ai loue début mai 2019 2 voitures a l' aéroport de Lisbonne pour une semaine un clio qui était neuve 250euros et une Ford break récente avec siège enfant et conducteur supplémentaire pour 450 euros avec assurance 0 euros de franchise Je n' avais pas réservé a l avance peu de monde au guichet bon accueil Nous avons pris les voitures très rapidement et quand nous les avons ramènes ça a aussi été très rapide sans qu ils fassent le tour de la voiture' Je suis très satisfait de cette agence de Sixt même si ce ne sont peut être pas les moins chers je n' est pas eu demauvaises surprises comme je vois régulièrement sur les forums de location de voiture
Anderson Rauber

Péssimo atendimento, absurdamente péssimo.
Du Dang

The basic insurance is already included with the price, but the branch employee tried to sale the full coverage as the basic required insurance which cost additional 16eur a day. Even after I repeatedly told him that I already have insurance through my credit card. Besides that, everything else was great the check in was seamless, and the car is quite good for the price.
James Forsyth

Easy pick up although I though providing my information ahead of time should have made it a little easier but generally it was a good service. Car was clean and no damage an dropped off was busy but efficient.
Merki B,.

Bon services accueil un peu dur peut être pas une bonne journée pour l hôtesse
Filomena Patricio

Meu comentário para com a Sixt é desilusão completa. Em julho 2018 aluguei uma viatura econômica 600 euros 3 semanas com seguros incluídos. Qual o meu espanto quando chego aos balcões da Sixt no aeroporto de Lisboa para recuperar a viatura e me dizem que não tem viatura disponível para mim porque eu estava atrasada, pedindo me eles no acto da reserva número de vôo. Neste caso resposta deles pára comigo ou pega o que temos disponível viaturas com mais potência e paga o dobro ou ficava a pé !Foi orrível a discussão com eles....ora tive que pagar o para ter a viatura. Quando eu já tinha pago ao efectuar a reserva....Mas enfim não fica por aqui! Façam atenção com os cartões de crédito mais precisamente cartão visa porque são uns abusadores isto para não dizer uma palavra mais forte. Passei o cartão para pagar o restante dinheiro, via verde depósito de combustível isto tudo debitado uma semana após a data de entrega da viatura, até aqui tudo certo porque estão dentro da lei dos 30 dias após a data de entrega da viatura. Agora o mais incrível disto 9 meses após isto tudo eles debitaram mais 591,85 euros do meu cartão de crédito ,quando há um contrato assinado pelas duas partes 30 dias e nada mais. Contacteios responderam que entreguei a viatura com o vidro partido. Mas eu paguei o seguro com vidros e peneus e nem uma mensagem para me contactar isto é um abuso, um roubo o que lhe quiserem chamar,até agora estou a espera de uma resposta da Sixt e nada. Ps. Fassam atenção porque os cartões de crédito dos clientes para a Sixt estão ativos toda a vida e não só 30 dias como está estipulado no contrato.
Carolyn Treasure

Terrible! The check in process at the airport took 1.5 hours while every other rental car agency has you checked in within minutes. Avoid them if possible, not worth the hassle!
Paul Dutu

Definitely I don't Recommend I am very disappointed about Sixt company. They are trying to steal money from me with different clauses in the contract. I rented a car in Porto Airport on 23 March this year and was a huge mistake. First of all, I do not understand why they returned my warranty and then after a month Said they found a scratch and we have to pay 300 euros. When I checked out the car they told I would not be charged for anything. The scratch was hidden under the car and we had no way to looking under the car when we had rented the car. When I rented the car They announced me that it's a scratch on the back side the of the car. It's not a coincidence that the scratch they found was right under the scratch that they talking at the beginning. Both scratches were probably made at the same time by another client before me. They are good at scamming people
Theodoro Panitz

Fila de uma hora para pegar o carro.
Didier Potin

Je loue des voitures régulièrement Sans aucun souci ailleurs et la je récupère la voiture sur l aéroport sans contrôle On me donne la clef à 50m de la voiture sauf au retour ou il sont 2 à contrôler et se mettre à 4 pattes pour contrôler et me trouve une rayure au spoiler bas de caisse jamais jamais je ne relourais chez eux c'est pas sérieux du tout Didier potin
Sebastian Peter

I rented here in October last year. When I checked the car back in the staff showed me scratches on the rim which I did not cause. The manager told me that if I did not hear from them within 3 weeks that there would not be a charge. At the end of March they email me saying they had computer issues and could not reach out until now asking me to authorize a 150 € charge which I respectfully declined. Now it is the end of May and they went through a collection agency and charged me 150 €. Good job SIXT treating your Platinum members like this! I will never rent with SIXT outside of Germany!

We booked a vw up via the adac and our customer manager was Hugo. He was extremely friendly and helpful, even a small issue with my credit was no problem for him. we got a free upgrade for a brand new renault clio. overall very good job sixt and hugo
Rudy Donn

Horrible ! Réception comptoir horrible, 1h d'attente, personnel au comptoir horrible. Arrive au parking, encore 30mn d'attente pour récupérer... Ça sert à quoi de réserver ?!!!! Service nul... Je prends régulièrement Sixt partout en Europe et c'est la première fois que je vois une agence aussi mauvaise.

Overall a good experience although I thought they rush you at the desk when you rent. This should be done at customers speed especially when you come from another country, think about upgrades and think currency exchange on the spot
Carlos Pimenta

Este local é fantástico merece5stars
Marco Baldeschi

Non brillano per simpatia. Sarebbe buona cosa se mandassero il conto delle autostrade percorse. Viene addebitato un totale e amen!
Michael Hicks

I went to ask the gentleman at the counter a simple question, he laughed at me and insulted me. Do not go here.

Bonjour à tous, Je suis suis client GOLD (service fidélité chez sixt) et j'ai plusieurs locations à mon actif. J'ai loué un véhicule fin avril pour 1 semaine au Portugal lors de ma restitution de mon véhicule la personne qui à fait la réception avait l'air vraiment zélé pour trouver quelque chose à redire sur le véhicule. Et à force de chercher il à trouvé une toute petite rayure de 6 cm de moins de 0,5 cm sur le pare choc. Il m'a signalé et il m'a dit de ne pas m'inquiéter qu'ils allaient revérifier après lavage mais il à surtout pas oublié de me faire signer le document. A ma grande surprise j'ai reçu une facture de réparation de 168 € pour cette rayure minuscule et bien sure 35€ de frais. J'ai répondu par mail en signalant que j'étais un client fidèle et avec le statut GOLD m'a je crois qu'ils s'en foutent. Dans sa bonté il m'a supprimé les 35€ de frais. Et à en cherchant un peu sur internet j'ai lu pas mal de commentaires sur les forums concernant l'arnaque à la rayure et je n'ose pas imaginer que SIXT soit capable de tels agissement de surcroît sur des clients fidèles. Alors avis aux personnes qui vont louer pour les prochaines vacances faites super attention !!!!!!
Nelio Carrara Filho

O antendimento do Sr. Ricardo em Lisboa foi muito bom, assim como o do rapaz que fazia a entrega dos carros, mas atrasaram a entrega do veículo em 30 minutos e o carro tinha algumas avarias no parachoque e portas, apesar de ser novo. Um outro cliente estava há espera do seu carro há quase 1 hora e perdeu seu compromisso, assim como eu, que cheguei no Porto e a loja que iria visitar já estava fechada. Esse tipo de serviço, que é totalmente planejado com antecedência, não pode ter esse tipo de ocorrência. Espero que consigam melhorar esses pontos, já que do atendimento só tenho elogios.
João Rodrigues

Não estornaram um valor do cartão e ficou muito mais caro que em outra locadoras ,não entro nunca mais nessa locadora
Maria Lopes

I'm giving one star because google will not allow no stars! I had very good experiences with sixt in other locations, but at this location I found them very dishonest. Yes, they are polite and friendly. But I had the misfortune of having an accident with the car, the car had a scratch and I was prepared to pay for it. I was not prepared to pay 960 EUR for a (max) 200 EUR fix!! Of course the evaluation of the damage came after I had left the country and am not in a position to request an assessment of the damage from another workshop. In Norway, where I live, fixing a car is notoriously expensive and nevertheless I got a quote of 200 EUR after showing the pictures of the damage. Sixt find it appropriate to charge 960 EUR, plus 35 EUR for assessing the damage (which every workshop will do it for free!). Extremely dishonest!
Malvin Bernard

The process was fast and easy. Park the car, hand over the key, they do the check in for you and after a couple of minutes you receive your confirmation and documents per e-mail. It was quite busy but even despite that I was greeted by a smile. Opinion applies to car drop-off only, as we picked it up at another station.
Felix Raizman

Booked an Automatic compact car WV up and thats exactly what i've got. the car was picked up from the city and returned at the airport. everything went smooth. recommend adding a few euros for the device of Higway-Tolls - in the end they charged us automaticly by the credit card.
Claire Jouffre

Accueil nul, aucun tour de véhicule fait avec un agent à la prise de véhicule, un voyant indiquant un pb d huile moteur s allume au démarrage et il a fallu que j insiste pour changer de vehicule, ce qui nous a valu un bon 20mn d attente sans que l heure de restitution du véhicule soit reculée. Au retour du véhicule, un dommage fictif est indiqué. Personne ne sait nous indiquer quand la caution sera débloquée et comment les péages seront débités. Aller dans une autre agence si vous voulez éviter les problèmes.
Erik Henriksson

Low rating but be ware of checking why people rate low. This was as good as any other Sixt and definitely the better option at the airport. Checking out the other desks next by and definitely Sixt is the preferred one. A good line system instead of standing in line - very good. And if we customers can make up our minds of options it would be quicker of course. 9 numbers ahead took 17minutes. It was ok
Artur do Carmo

Com a pressa acabei por pagar mais por tanque cheio pré pago. Pouco profissional. O carro estava limpo e a linha de apoio ao cliente foi profissional
Joaquin Augusto Legrand Alberti

The car was great but the insurance somehow became super expensive at the last minute before renting it. Also, when returning the car they charged us one day extra from what they told us it was going to be.
holly hyatt

Beware!!! We prepaid for our car $550 for 6 days, including all insurance, taxes, etc. Got there a day later due to flight delays. They rented out our car to someone else even though we prepaid. No more cars in that class. They say they have a car for an upgrade of $75, when asked if that was total, they said yes, and would come out to less than our original price and we would get a refund. Since we would only have the car for 5 days. We return the car and they charged us $75 additional each day making the rental $180€ a day. Lies, they use the bait and switch tactic. Ricardo with the handle bar mustache is a liar and thief. They say the car you reserved will not fit your baggage, when it would have. They try to confuse you and lie to Americans especially. We had friends had similar issues on this trip.
Victor De Lima

Péssima locadora. Começando pelo funcionário q fomos atendido no aeroporto de Lisboa, super mal educado com respostas curtas e sem paciência nenhuma pra dar explicações. Queriam oferecer um carro diferente do que o que estava explícito no momento do aluguel na internet. Resultado, preferimos pagar a mais e pegar um carro diferente. Na hora de pegar o carro havia um arranhão na lateral em que comentei com o moço que verifica o carro antes da saída, o mesmo disse q ele era menos que 3 centímetros e que não precisaria colocar no contrato. Na devolução do carro em Porto eles queriam cobrar pelo arranhão, só não cobraram pois eu tinha batido fotos do carro antes da saída de Lisboa. Ou seja, se for alugar carro com a Sixt tire foto do carro todo antes de sair do local que pegou o carro. Acho que vale muito alugar um carro em Portugal, mas pense bem se é essa a empresa que você deseja. Se voltasse a alugar carro em Portugal com certeza iria por outra empresa.
Pedro J.

Cobraram um valor caríssimo depois do aluguel do carro por um estrago que não existia.
Angel A.

Unos estafadores en toda regla... si NO coges el seguro de todo riesgo de ellos... que es carísimo, recomiendo hacer fotos de todo el vehículo, arriba, debajo y por dentro asientos etc. para demostrar todos los daños, aun así tendrás problemas...!!! En la recogida te dicen que no hay problema y cuando lo entregas te atacan como buitres. A mi me querían cobrar 2.100€ que era la franquicia. Por unos daños que ya tenía el vehículo y suerte que hice las Fotos que se las envié por mail y vieron que no tenían nada que hacer, después de 2 meses aún estoy esperando que me den respuesta y disculpas. Reclamé en España y me dijeron que Portugal es una franquicia y que no podían hacer nada...una auténtica vergüenza...!!!! Mejor pagar algo más en otra compañía y evitar el cabreo que te coge cuando ves que te quieren estafar y te sientes impotente...!!! UNA VERGÜENZA...!!!!!
Patrick Christoph

Aluguei uma Mercedes classe C. Me entregaram um carro em estado lamentável, completamente arranhado, vários amassados e uma peça caindo. A parte interna e mecânica estava ok, mas chegava a dar vergonha chegar nos lugares com o carro. No mais, ok.
Priscylla Souza

Rápido, mas a devolução do carro tem q ser até 00h, caso vc vá pagar no dinheiro

I’ve booked a car last month with Sixt and I could not be more happy. Arrived to the SIXT desk at Lisbon Airport I met the Very Professional, Helpful and Friendly Mr Hugo. Not only he answered to all my question and explained to me step by step the rental process but also informed me about other products provided by SIXT and the advantages of acquiring them. I got the same kind of treatment from the rest of the staff. Which is not a surprise because it is not the first time I rented a car on sixt at Lisbon Airport and they always made me feel special. The car was good and very clean and all the Pick Up/Delivery Process was Quick with no Stress at all. 5 Stars to a 5 Stars STAFF!!
Pieter Vuijk

Prima auto, bereikbaarheid bii problemen een drama. Alleen tijdens kantooruren.
Michael Barth

Asked for an invoice but was informed to receive it by mail which was not the case. No reaction on email. Sixt Germany was able to send me the email
MP Birdy

La fille qui nous a servi a été extrêmement bête. Malgré le fait que nous lui avions dit qu'on avait une assurence avec un tiers partie, elle a essayé de nous vendre leur assurence. De plus, elle a essayé de nous vendre un extra qui vous permet de remettre la voiture avec le réservoir vide (même lorsqu'il reste le 3/4 il le considère alors vide) pour le prix de 95 euro. Or nous lui avons dit que nous pensions pas que ça allait coûter ce montant en essence. Elle a essayé de nous convaincre en nous disant que de Lisbonne jusqu'à Faro était 500km, donc la capacité du réservoir. Grosse arnaque. Nous ne l'avons pas pris. Le réservoir pouvait faire 750 km environ. Nous avons pu monter vers le haut du Portugal pour ensuite se promener dans le bas de l'algarve. Cela ne nous a coûté que 45 euro.
Michel Duquesne

Je n avais pas encore loué de voiture. C est mon billet d avion + location de voiture qui m a fait découvrir Sixt rent a car. Le véhicule était prêt, propre, le plein fait quand je suis entré dans l agence. Petit manque; pas de carnet d utilisation pour le véhicule important quand vous roulez avec une renault et que vous louez une opel avec des commandes bien cachées. Sinon rien a redire pour le moment. Quand j ai rendu la voiture le contrôle à pris deux minutes, la voiture est ensuite passait au lavage. J attends le retour du loueur pour afiner mon jugement
Bat Roussel

Attention de ne pas oublier votre permis de conduire si vous l'avez reservé par internet...80 euros de plus pour mettre un conducteur secondaire obligatoire.
Nuno Melo

Bon service. Tout était bien.
Justs Zarins

Overall the service was good, but early on in the trip we ran into an issue with the car. It was difficult getting help from Sixt and in the end we had to pay ourselves to fix the issue. Upon returning the car we were directed to online customer service if we wanted a refund for the extra fee which should have been handeled by them. We contacted customer support but never heard back. So you'll be fine renting a car from them, as long as nothing unexpected happens...
Reinhard Koch

Sehr hektisch an der Fahrzeugausgabe- und Annahme.
Maria Angelina Elia

Realmente el carro estaba en buenas condiciones pero cuando entregas el carro te quieren cargar muchas cosas de las cuales uno no es responsable.
Xin Wang

Unlike my experience with Sixt in Scandinavia and Austria, the Sixt in Lisbon is terrible. I rented Mecede. After 2nd day, the trunk couldn't be closed which left us nervous for days. When reported to a employee at time of returning car, the employee use screw driving to fix the problem and refuse to write down the issue in report. Do they expect I had screw driving on road and know how to fix it? Give me a break!!! And I deposited 75 euro for tolls, used 58 euro, the difference was not refunded. And their email provides no returnable email address and couldn't find phone # for custom service at Lisbon Airport.
Rob Siemerink

Gehuurd via Sunnycars bij Sixt. Geen gedoe. Gewoon reservering overhandigen, legitimeren en...rijden. Top Sunnycars!!
Mari-Jose Weijerman

waiting line about 90 minutes, unfriendly staff; social media department promises to make up with a voucher which never materializes. Finally Sixt Portugal seems to be totally incommunicado.
Celia Cardoso

Rápidos e claros na explicação do funcionamento e entrega do carro. Limpeza do carro irrepreensível
Dean Harris

Do not use this company. I have used many car hire places with no problems. Any scratches they tell you to not worry about and refuse to put on your paperwork because they're too small will come back and bite you in the wallet. Absolute joke.
Ângelo Segadães

Bom atendimento, rápido e o local bem identificado, para levantar 2o piso para entregar piso 0 entrada logo a seguir à entrada do metro.
Ana Carolina Gomes

Muito eficiente e rápido atendimento. Só não gostei de cobrarem tudo no cartão sem uma pré checagem do valor final. Facilita na entrega.

Serviço na recepção bom. Muito esclarecido. Levantamento da viatura medíocre moças e riscos mal assinalados no esclarecimento da viatura. Vidros mal limpos causando dificuldades na visao.
Maik Taubitz

Leider probierte man zusätzliche Versicherungen abzuschließen, auch ein Upgrade von Benzin auf Diesel ist bei 800km völlig unnütz. Ansonsten lief die Fahrzeugübergabe sowohl beim Empfang als auch bei der Abgabe entspannt und problemlos. Das Auto war auch sauber und vollgetankt. Achtung: Mautschreiber mitbuchen
Abilio Guedes

Así vale la pena pagar un poquito más. Low Costos nunca mais...

Pessima esperienza, ritirata Seat Ibiza nell' areoporto di Lisbona, il giorno 23/12/2018 fatto check in, rilevato e segnalato puntualmente al responsabile vari strisci e graffi alla carrozzeria, regolarmente riportati nei documenti di consegna, fatto check-out il 27/12/2018 e mi hanno contestato e addebito € 180 perché un graffio risultante più lungo di 5 centimetri da quanto riportato dai documenti di check in. Mio consiglio NON RITIRATE AUTO CON GRAFFI O ALTRO, RITIRATE SOLO AUTO PERFETTE. P.s: non accettano nemmeno foto fatte al check in che dimostrino i difetti presenti.
Joaquín Guzmán

Thiefs! Charged almost one year later for a non made scratch to a rental car!!!! Disaster!!!! This company is not serious!!
Fabrizio Salmina

La necessitá del momento era un furgone per il trasporto di mobili e suppellettili alla nostra casa di vacanza. Buono il servizio, onesto il prezzo, accettabile l'attesa nella sede in aeroporto.
Jean - Marc Kasprowicz

Super.. que dire du personnel.. "super sympas" malgré que vous parlez pas la langue il font vraiment l efforts de vous comprendre... les voitures choisir au top
Sunder Rama Vignesh N

The place is quite easily accessible from airport. Friendly staff. Nice parking premises to pick up and drop te car. Overall experience was good. Nothing to complain.
michele white

Friendly staff, not too pushy to buy extra insurance or Via Verde toll system. A simple no thank you was enough. Car was very clean, 19k kms. Decent pick up form with correct filled in scratches. Return very sufficient, not the least problem of discussion.
Karen Nasser

Eficiente, preço bom e atendimento bom
mahmoud sadeq

Working with them is not that difficult,but they first gave us the car we booked and then it turned that the ture has a flat tire so we had to change to change the car and they gave us another car but the car was in very bad shape and not equivalent to the car we booked.

Everything was great, until they tried to charge me 190€ for a tiny scratch on a rim!!! I told them that the cost of a new rim was less than that and if I paid them, they would need to give me the rim. They then said that customer service would call me to workout the damages. Still haven't talked to customer service, but I feel very cheated as a customer!!! Be careful, this car company is friendly, then they try to take advantage!!!
Michel Monteiro Neves

Poucos lugares para entregar o carro.
Raul Castro

é de visitar vai se surpreender com muitas coisas inovadoras
animal forest

Paulo Gomes

Sempre cheio de estrangeiros e muito pouca qualidade de atendimento
Mateus Dieckmann

Duas semanas depois da locação ainda não me retornaram a caução no cartão de crédito. Recomendo extrema cautela ao locar veículos com a Sixt (ainda mais se fores brasileiro)...
Dedé de Zé Luca

Muito bacana mesmo gostei muito de conhecer.
Wagner Thiago

Diferenças de taxas e cobrança de diárias por atraso de 1 hora. Carro ruim, quebrou e esperamos 6 horas para substituir
Andrey Shevchenko

Легко найти - находятся прямо в терминале. Сами автомобили в соседнем здании. Автомобиль в целом новый и в хорошем состоянии. Время ожидания при получении - ужас. В офисе в терминале прождали около часа. Там работает 5 стоек, по электронной очереди, но все равно очень долго. Неужели нельзя поставить автоматы селф чекина как в Штатах или в том же Сиксте в Швеции? Бронировали Renault Captur, получили Seat Leon универсал. Сложно сказать, тот ли это класс, учитывая, что Captur это мини-SUV. В гараже еще пришлось ждать около 20 минут, потому что авто было в мойке.
Adam Stotsky

If you are from the USA be careful about this car rental company at the Lisbin airport. They will definitely try to screw you over seems like they are nothing but a bunch of socialist losers! I rented the car with the agreement that the tank be full and that I should return it with a full tank of diesel. When I got the car there was only 1/4 tank of fuel. When I took the car back with a full tank I told them about it at the counter. The guy at the counter mediately went to the car and started finding damage where there was none in fact to my surprise he said there was major damage! He said there was major damage to the bumper but there was none he said there was damage to the wheel but there was none. And he made prejudiced remarks towards me like I was not conforming to or submitting to the status quo ! I tryed to talk to him more but what he did was to stared straight at me with a stupid grin and said what are you going to do about it. I do you not think this is acceptable behavior I try to talk to him more and reason with him but he would not talk he kicked me out of his office. People go someplace else do not rent a car here!
Paul Mcalpine

Worst Sixt I have ever used. My USA Sixt rentals have always been great so I decided to try Sixt in Lisbon. Big mistake. They gave me the oldest & poorest condition car in my class. Even though they had better cars in my class (VW Polo, etc.) available, they refused to give one to me. I got a beat-up Mitz. Space Star. Nicks & scratches all over it with high miles. They told me not to worry about the paint. The car was a dog but I drove it anyway for about 10 days. However, five weeks AFTER I returned it (and settled my bill) they came back to me for more money for damage to the BOTTOM of the bumper. About $100 extra. The bottom! Who ever looks at that? Done with Sixt. Why five weeks late? A computer problem..... Yeah, right. I'll bet the whole company was down...... I smell a scam but I'm 5000 miles away now. Consider yourself warned,
Jerry Lowndes

Every single Employee at that station lied at least once to me. On pick up the scratches didn'r matter, on return I was told I damaged the back wheel. After the police attended nothing was damaged, after I gave negative feedback on the customer survey I was told I damaged the front wheel.
Michaëla MESLIEN

Merci pour le sur classement. U'e superbe voiture pour 15€/jour
Gerd Freiwald

Wirklich sehr nettes Personal, das erst gar nicht versucht, einem zusätzliche Leistungen aufzuschwatzen.
Christin Hensel

Kein service, weil die Buchung nicht gelesen wurde. Stattdessen wird man abgewiesen.
Dmitriy Miroshnichenko

Все круто и быстро если знаешь порядок получения авто. Сначала нужно в Терминал 1 аэропорта что бы заключить договор. Только потом в отдельное здание с машинами на второй этаж для получения
Poussin VAR

Très bien, efficacité au rdv, location en centre ville avec peu d'attente et personnel sympa parlant anglais et une chouyette français paiement par carte gold... Au top !
Wojciech Sydor

Bardzo dobra obsluga, ale utrata jednej gwiazdki za "drobiazg" -brak płynu w spryskiwaczu.
Rudi Mandl

Kann jetzt nicht meckern. Ticket gezogen, nach zwei Minuten drangekommen, die üblichen Umsatztricks abgewehrt, also nur Tank voll / voll und Maut vereinbart, alles andere höflich aber sehr bestimmt abgelehnt und nach insgesamt 20 Minuten aus dem Parkhaus gefahren. Navi für €10,- je Tag natürlich nicht gebucht, das Navi geht ja trotzdem. Ein Stern Abzug wegen der, wie ich finde, unlauteren versuchten Naviabzocke.
Darren Smith

Found the experience truly good. Had booked through the mobile App, and after going over the options/hard sell of insurances, we did a walk through of the existing minor scratches to the rims, etc, and were off to the Algarve. Return was also a breeze. No issues with any part of the experiences, and the volvo xc90 was immaculate, and good to drive. Definitely would recommend for a family of 4 with 3 large suitcases and a stroller.
Lina Paiva

Muita espera devido a quantidade de pessoas para alugar carro. Mas o atendente muito simpático e ágil para fazer a entrega do carro.
André Augusto Cella

Atendimento organizado e rápido. Cortesia da atendente. Carro melhor, mais limpo e mais próximo do aeroporto do que o esperado. Custos extras pequenos e pouca tentativa de empurrar serviços não solicitados.
Justin M

This was the worst rental experience I ever had. We waited well over an hour in line prior to speaking with a representative. The person we dealt with was so pushy and aggressive to sell add on services, while blatantly lying about needing to purchase insurance as a requirement when our credit card offered coverage. After our rental was returned, over 5 separate charges have been added to our credit card over a period of 3 months. No explanation, no receipts and no response to emails. This is a terrible organization to deal with and I would strongly recommend any other rental company but this one!
Vice Président Asso Parents EDR

Location de voiture à Lisbonne aéroport, accueil pas très agréable avec l'hôtesse alors que cette dernière venait d'avoir un échange tendu avec d'autres clients. Difficile de se faire comprendre en français alors que l'hôtesse parlait français, une prise en compte d'un véhicule avec un témoin de crevaison au tableau de bord, après prise de contact avec un responsable ce dernier a déclaré qu'il n'y avait pas de soucis à se faire. Un bref passage dans une station et un complément sur l'ensemble des pneus et pour finir un niveau d'huile en dessous de la moyenne.... Retour du véhicule et avis à la personne qui a pris en charge la voiture et aucune prise de conscience des défauts... Un peu moyen dans l'ensemble
Miles Trach

The car was great, but the huge line up to rent the car, and then the extreme... extreme heavy handed sales techniques used to try to upsell more expensive car and additional insurance... even when we already had full coverage due through our insurance... it was a horrible experience. Due to that we will never, ever rent a car from Sixt again. I wish I had checked Google Reviews before we pre-booked our rental car from Sixt. We would never have rented from them if we had. Seems like this is their way of doing business. Avoid these scam artists at all costs.
Marcelo Netto

Funcionario insistindo muito para contratar o seguro completo e nao deixar usar o seguro do cartao....... informou que o via verde que temos para portagem.nao poderia ser usado..... . Mentira pois basta colocar a matri ula no aplocativo e pronto.... queria alugar o deleppr18€
Nataliya Nechytaylo

The rent was in December 2018, however, the case lasted almost a year after. First, staff at rental office insisted on us buying additional insurance, which I did not want as bought full insurance package from Rentalcars. The staff were not very polite and pleasant. Second, the pick up was in a dark place, lasted very quickly, but despite a number of damages (around 15), we decided to take the car. But the most terrible experience was at the end, when the car was handed over back in 5 days.The same scratches were marked as new ones and we were asked to pay around 500 eur just in 2 minutes! We declined the damages, but nobody wanted to talk or listen to us, redirecting from the inspection site to office, and back. After spending 2 hours trying to prove it was wrong, we left the rental office extremely upset:-(. The letters and charges to credit card came few months after, despite our attempts to resolve the issue within few weeks. Fortunately, Rentalcars insurance worked, but it took us several months to get it settled. If someone is looking where to spend spare money and nerves - welcome to Sixt car rental in Lisbon airport! Unfortunately, the entire trip to Portugal got spoiled due to this awful experience:-(. Never ever Sixt again!
Ayami K

Attention everyone, they did charge previous damages to us with around 580 EUR after 7 months of the rent. It was fraudulent and unacceptable. We fought through our lawyer but they kept insisting to charge for damages which were not from us. We showed evidences together with photos. Eventually an insurance company paid to us but not Sixt. I won’t use Sixt forever. It was a long-term battle against this company and I hope there won’t be anymore victims. I never had such tiring, unreasonable experience. 日本の皆様、絶対にこの会社だけは使わないでください。過去の顧客が付けた傷を、車を借りた7ヶ月後に突然請求し、約6万円近い金額をカードから引き落としてきました。詐欺行為です。契約時元々ついていたと記された傷をチャージしてきたので、その書類を合わせ写真と共に返金を求めましたが、理にかなわない返答が続き話にならず、弁護士を通して戦った結果、結局保険会社から保険としてお金はカバーされました。シクストからは返金どころか、謝罪すらありませんでした。 数ヶ月に及ぶ戦いとなり、心身ともに疲弊したため、同じ被害者を出さぬよう、書かせていただきました。 日本大使館にも報告しました。
Fabien Lavallee

Une arnaque à grande échelle. Surtout fuir ce loueur ils vous facturent des frais exorbitants sans raison !! C’est bien organisé au retour du véhicule l’employé sait déjà qu’il va vous trouver des rayures ou autre. Bilan 700€ facturé
Daniel Violante

Contrarily to the reviews I read, my experience with sixt was very pleasant. After landed I picked up my previously booked car in the reception with Martin who was very kind and attentive. The car return was made under the same circumstances and without any problem. Will definitely buy from sixt again!
Leonardo Siri

Me cobraron 7 meses después la rotura del embrague por mal uso. Nadie rompe a proposito un embrague.
Miguel Korrodi Ritto

I rented a vehicle and during the handover, no Sixt employee offered to make a joint inspection. I was told to go to the parking spot where the vehicle was parked and do it on my own on a tight and dark parking lot. On the contract, there were already 9 (nine) damages recorded, 3 (three) of which on the back of the car. The back of the car was full of damage with several dents and scratches. Nevertheless, I thought all of those would be covered on the 3 (three) items mentioned in the contract. It is worth noting that the existing damage was described in writing, without the support of any schematics. When I returned the vehicle, the person inspecting it claimed there were two additional damages on the back of the car: a dent and a scratch. I was not responsible for any of those. At first, Sixt wanted to charge EUR 600+ for these damages. I refused any responsibility for those damages and further noted that despite not being responsible they were charging for "a dent with paint damage" while that dent had no paint damage and was smaller than 3cm, therefore not chargeable. Sixt later agreed that I was right and so decided to charge EUR 240 for the scratch. This proves the lack of professionalism and accuracy Sixt has, by charging things which are not due. Furthermore, it is also worth noting that at the time of the handover, there were no pictures illustrating the damage, while during the checkout, conveniently, Sixt presents those pictures. I had always rented vehicles with Sixt, but will refrain from doing it in the future as I believe Sixt is acting with bad faith, with no respect for its customers.
Ga Taillez

Une location de 4 jours pour 22.58€ qui nous coûte finalement plus de 450€ ! Nous avons loué une citadine 4 jours, réservée et payée à l'avance. Accueil efficace, voiture en bonne état. A priori tout allait bien. Nous avons comme d'habitude pris soin du véhicule afin de le rendre dans le même état. Un vol très tôt le matin a fait que nous avons re-déposé le véhicule avant l'ouverture de l'agence sans pouvoir faire l'état des lieux de retours avec le personnel. Une semaine plus tard ils nous écrivent et nous indiquent avec des photos que nous avons entaillé un pneu et fait une rayure de 10cm dans le partie basse de l'auto. Je pense que ces défauts sur l'auto de 23000km y étaient avant mais que nous ne les avons pas vu en prenant l'auto dans le parking couvert sombre et étriqué. J'avais bien regardé les jantes mais pas les pneus, et pour la carrosserie c'est toujours difficile de bien regarder jusqu'en bas dans un parking. Bilan avec le devis (d'une société faisant partie de Sixt si je comprends bien) et les frais administratifs, plus de 450€ à régler. Nous avons échangé par mail mais cela n'y change rien. Nous sommes certains de ne pas avoir abîmé le véhicule et pensons que c'est une technique bien rodée pour gonfler les profits. Si je me disais bien qu'ils ne peuvent pas être rentables en louant une auto 22.58€ même en période basse. En remettant 450€ derrière, la marge doit être plus confortable. Nous ne comptons en rester là
Claudia von Sydow

The service (pick up and return) was really good, no hassle. The cars are newer than in other rental companies. I will definitely come again.
lettres folles

A fuir absolument; Arnaque à grande échelle. Quand vous restituez votre voiture la voiture est analysée et systématiquement on vous trouve des dommages : 3 mois après on vous fait parvenir une facture et on vous débite 645 euros !!! pour une rayure inventée par ce loueur. DES VOLEURS
Damien Neuberg

It all started very well, I was offered an upgrade to a better car. The only condition was to switch from a 'return full tank' system to 'pre-paid fuel' in which I will be charged based on my fuel consumption. The guy at the reception (Ricardo?) told me it is a service offered because it was difficult to fill the tank around the airport. Wonderful service I thought! But now I'm charged for a full tank even though I only used 3/8 of the tank (based on the car return document)...
Matthias Jonen

Abholung war professionell und das Auto wie vorab bei CHECK24 gebucht. Die Mitarbeiter sprachen sehr gut Englisch.

We pre-paid for toll service in Lisbon at pick-up. A month after our trip, Sixt is now trying to double charge with an additional service fee. We emailed immediately about the charge and did not receive a response for over a week. Additionally the car they gave us had 3/4 tank of gas which (our own fault) we didn’t notice till after we drove away. So we ended up filling up the tank with additional gas. Not a major deal but this overall experience has been quite bad. I have rented cars in many places in Europe. We had just come from the azores on this trip, where we were more worried about small car rental companies. Ironically those small companies on the island were better with customers than Sixt in Lisbon. My recommendation: Rent your car from somewhere else other than Sixt..especially in Lisbon.

DO NOT GO TO THIS LOCATION. THEY WILL ROB YOU. I had a Sixt reservation from Lisbon airport. They charged me for additional driver fees, even though it was just one driver (my husband) and they only got his driver's license (not mine). Also they never reviewed the charges with us. They didn't even show us the charges until they got the whole deposit. When we asked about these charges they said "this is how we do in Portugal". Its a shame that they behave this way. I have had good experience with SIXT in USA. Never again will I go to SIXT at Lisbon airport location. Its not about explaining charges now. These charges should have been explained before deposit was asked of me. The agent took the deposit from mew explaining any charges or giving me chance to remove or modify things that I did not think we're necessary to pay extra for. Now I am spending this extra time being stressed when I should be enjoying my vacation. I have sent an email to customer service and all I have got is another explanation of charges.
Camilo Arrais

Carros incriveis. Atendimento nota 10
beo Köln

Schnelle Fahrzeugübergabe/ Abnahme. Upgrade und 1 Flasche Mineralwasser gratis. Sehr zufrieden!
Jessica Swenson

Just don’t go here. Horrible hidden fees, reservations issues that we haven’t had in all the countries we have ever been to.
Haroldo Youle

Foi enganado por essa empresa, não recomendo a ninguém.
Renato M. Alves

Atendentes complicados (Trambiqueiros) Vc aluga o carro na internet no meu caso (Econômico Renaut Clio) qdo chega no balcão, eles começaram a criar problemas para vender soluções (Vendo que não queria mais seguros, não queriam liberar o carro porque cheguei 0:30 minutos antes , depois vem com uma conversa que está vendo um problema, o carro a gasolina tem motor muito fraco e gasta muito mais que o dobro e .E ofereceram um Diesel por mais 8,00 Euros por dia + 23% de impostos o que elevaria em mais que o dobro o valor do aluguel. E que vc recupera em uma viagem de Lisboa ao Algarve que vc gasta Só para ir até lá um tanque de gás (60 euros) e que nao ganha nada com isso mas como é um cara do bem faz isso para te ajudar (mui amigo) qdo vc cai na silada ele ai libera o carro antes do Horário, chegando no 2 andar do patio de carros o dito Ww Golfe Diesel tinha tanto arranhao e por menores que nao cabia na folha de obs ao tentar cancelar o upgrade o atendente da Sixty que cuida da entrega contunua a argumentação e compara o golf com carros de uma categiria abaixo (compacto nao economico que tinha alugado) saímos com o golf por sorte ou assar o carro estava com o ascendedor quebrado não carregando nosso GPS voltei ao aeroporto e devolvia a joia da Corroa (Golf) exigindo o Renault Clio a Gásolina que tinha Alugado sem escapatória eles acabaram desfazendo o upgrade. Estou aqui no Algarve e para minha surpresa além de andar bem não gastou nem 1/4 do tanque da gasolina. Eita galera Safada hein ...
Jonathan Jourdan

Deux fois en 2 ans qu'on a pas la voiture initialement demander modele inférieur, et à l'arrivée on me reclame 30 euros alors qu'il manque a peine 5 euros d'essence. Pas honnête. Déçu.
Yannick Machado

Expérience horrible, nous avons récupéré la voiture sans qu'un agent vienne avec nous faire le tour de la voiture pour faire un check-in. Nous avons pris les photos pour nous couvrir. Le retour ce fait hors horaires d'ouverture du coup nous avons mis les clés dans la boîte avant cela nous avons fait une video. Une semaine plus tard nous recevons un mail nous disant que l'on a rayé une jantes et que le pris s'élève a 180 euros alors que sur la vidéo que j'ai pris avant de rendre les clés il n'y avait pas de rayure. C'est une arnaque, agence a fuir !

Rückgabe von unserem Fahrzeug hat Problemlos geklappt. Man muss sich an die Beschilderungen halten "rent a car" und in die Tiefgarage einfahren. Dort findet man dann mehrere Anbieter, unter anderem Sixt.
Marcelo L F L Penna

Muito eficiente e rápido o atendimento
Vasco Faustino

Experiência muito NEGATIVA e não recomendo, levantei o carro às 19:30 e entreguei na madrugada seguinte às 03:45 no local de entregas nocturnas sem colaborador. Como não comprei o extra do seguro, coloquei me a jeito, relativamente a esta agência do Aeroporto, só tenho a dizer que me sinto enganado, não recomendo e seguramente que tudo farão para cobrar valores abusivamente se tiverem a oportunidade. Se quiserem arriscar sugiro que façam vídeos e fotos da viatura antes da recolha, peçam a presença do colaborador da SIXT e que vos demonstre os danos da viatura com os respectivos comprovativos de centímetros e profundidade dos riscos, como disse tudo farão para cobrar abusivamente e como provas irão anexar as tais fotos com os centímetros e profundidade dos riscos. Atenção ao local de recolha e à luz disponível para fazer a inspecção, aviso, porque como já disse anteriormente a experiência foi muito NEGATIVA. Aluguei muitos carros quer em Portugal quer no estrangeiro e nunca tive um único problema e neste caso concreto senti-me enganado. Existe um novo negócio nesta atividade e não é o aluguer de viaturas. Reforço a IDEIA, façam a inspecção OBRIGATORIAMENTE com o colaborador da SIXT. Existem muitas opções de empresas de aluguer de carros, para mim, optem por empresas honestas e sérias, que com esta experiência que tive, não é caso desta agência. sixt NUNCA MAIS!!!! sixt NUNCA MAIS!!!! sixt NUNCA MAIS!!!!
Helvecio Eustáquio de Araujo

Foi o melhor lugar para aluguel de carros em Portugal. Atendimento de qualidade, preços razoáveis e muitas dicas para turistas. Será sempre a minha opção.
Pascal Pucci

Quand on loue une clio, ou polo ils vous donnent une mitsubishi space star ! Donc rien n à voir mais ils disent que c'est la même categorie et impossible de changer !
Sacha Youssefian

Sixt: Why do you need to steal the money from your customers? Isn´t the business good enough? If I´ve returned the full diesel tank, why are you taking 68,5 Euros from my credit card. The lady at the store has told me clearly that this charge was not going to be taken from my credit card if the car was going to be returned full. Looking forward to get a prompt answer so I can delete this review. I´ve already called twice to your desk in lisbon and contact your local agency in Buenos Aires my living place.
EasyTrailer ARES

Réactifs, très sérieux et à l l'ecoute du client, les prix sont intéressants et la prestation sans surprise...Je recommande fortement
Patricia Houchard

Véhicule propre bien entretenu et fiable. 1200 km sans soucis. Personnel sympa
Gael Ray

SIXT ARNAQUE !!! FUYEZ MALHONNÊTE SCANDALE ARNAQUE ORGANISÉE !! Mon mari et moi même en sommes traumatisés et nous ne voulons plus jamais louer de voiture de notre vie. Nous sommes arrivés à Lisbonne et lors de notre arrivée nous avons eu un véhicule qui ne correspondait pas à la catégorie choisi lors de notre réservation, nous avons eu une SEAT ATECA Le vendeur nous a demandé de passer lendemain pour changer de véhicule et nous avons changé de véhicule pour un autre véhicule Audi Q2. Nous avons donc rendu la SEAT moins de 24h après et aucun souci n’a été signalé la caution nous a été rendu 3 mois après nous recevons un mail qui nous informe que après vérification ils ont remarqué une rayure sur le véhicule SEAT que nous n’avons même pas utilisé 24h et nous on prélève près de 179€ sur notre compte car ils avait biensur garde l’empreinte de notre carte bancaire. Lorsqu’il nous on passé le second véhicule la Audi Q2 le lendemain nous étions en visite au château de sinstra le véhicule a dégagé une fumée de plus en plus forte et puis celui à c’est arrêté en pleine route nous avons donc attendu 2h pour avoir un dépanneuse dans un pays où nous ne parlons pas la langue. Cela a été un expérience traumatisante nous étions en pleine route et cela aurait dû être dangereux pour nos vies si nous étions sur une autoroute. Aujourd’hui 5 MOIS nous recevons un mail qui nous informe que le devis de la réparation de cette embrayage d’une voiture qu’on a payer pour louer qui nous a gâché nos vacances et c’est arrêté en pleine route est à nos frais et ce devis est d’une valeur de 2354€ et que c’est à notre frais et cette somme sera prélevé à nous sur nos compte et qu’il y’a des frais d’immobilisation de véhicule qui seront à nos frais également. Cela c’est passé en SEPTEMBRE 2019 nous sommes en février 2020 nous en sommes traumatisés nous avons décidé de partager notre histoire et contacter les associations de consommateurs car cela nous a déjà gâché nos vacances et ça continue à nous gâché notre vie de manière financièrement. Je trouve cela SCANDALEUX.
Andreas Bischoff

Es gibt Orte die sind schrecklich und hier scheint die Zentrale des Schreckens zu sein.
Rui Piloto

*************************** SCAM ALERT ************************************* On the 1st of February of 2019 I booked a car using Ryanair Car Hire with the following specs: Rental Car: Sixt Pickup Counter: Lisbon Airport Car Type: Mini Car or similar From: 20/12/2019 20:00 To: 30/12/2019 06:00 Cost: 131.87 EUR (which was fully paid on the same day) My flight with TAP (TP1317) was scheduled to arrive at 20:10 at Lisbon. There was a notification during the year for a slight schedule change for this flight, arriving now at 20:45. On the 20th of December, the flight was delayed for 2h due to weather conditions, which made the flight arrive at 22:30. After a long wait for the bus to take us to the terminal and also for the luggage, I arrived at Sixt counter at 23:30. I was informed straight away that my car was already rented to someone else because they only hold it for 1h (a different Sixt agent said they hold it for 2h), and the money I already paid was not refundable... The Sixt agent said the "good news" was that there was available another car of a higher category (since there was no more Mini category cars) for an additional 246 EUR, and that I could claim back that amount from TAP airline, because they were the ones delayed (a rent-a-car agency located in the airport, certainly know that airlines only cover from 3h of delay, and never compensate due to weather problems). I had to accept since I still had no car and didn't know if Sixt would claim that "I never showed up". The same agent also said that this was happening a lot these two days due to the storm, which makes me wonder if Sixt business was taking advantage of the delays and selling the cars after 1h (or 2h) to increase the sales by an abuse of contract and opportunity. This is clearly an abuse of contract from Sixt that took advantage of these conditions when the car was fully paid, and they should return the additional 246 EUR. SIXT takes advantage of uncontrolable situations and abuse their contract. For this customer service quality, rent with a cheaper rent-a-car.
Dmitry Pupinin

Лучше выберите другую компанию! Или будьте готовы что вам придется заплатить за полный бак бензина + налоги. На стойке, где мы оформляли машину девушка прямым текстом говорила, что они заправляют авто по цене обычных заправок и что не будет никаких проблем, если авто вернется с неполным баком. Вот только она забыла уточнить, что платить (по цене АЗС) придется за полный бак вне зависимости от количества топлива при возврате. Вот такая милая забывчивость у сотрудников Sixt...
Gustavo Gattass

Been in line for 25 mins already and it looks like it is going to be another hour or more. Never again, sixt. Pity it was prepaid... Following up after the trip... It took me a total of two hours to leave the Sixt parking lot from the moment I got in line. Car was in good condition, and I had no complaints about it. But upon return I have been faced with a bill for 649 euros for two seemingly irrelevant “damages” that I am not sure were even made by me (pics below). Not sure if car maintenance is really that expensive in Europe. But I am certainly never to do business with these people again. Good luck if you do.
jean-cl. L.

Totalement déçu par SIXT Lisbonne! En fait il n’avait que le véhicule qui nous a satisfait. Pour le reste: ventes de prestations supplémentaires de + de 200% par rapport au prix initial par internet, en un temps record avec un guichet débordé après une attente interminable. Résumé: après un séjour de 4 jours, le véhicule CAPTUR nous a coûté au prix préférentiel à peu près 400 Euros.
aline keirel

SIXT faite de la PUB à la télé faut bien chercher le pigeon. Sixt le cauchemar de la location auto. Champion de la vente d'assurance sans informé le client.
Anatoliy Shostak

Избегайте этих ребят! У них очень низкие рейтинги по всем отзывам потому что они обманывают! Историй с обманами очень много. Например нам удержали 77 евро из депозита, переведя полученный на почту инвойс мы увидели что это за полный бак бензина который заправили ща нас, хотя мы заправили полный бак на заправке прямо перед аэропортом, за 5 минут до сдачи машины.
Jesse Strachan

Nice enough people working there, but beware of this company. Make sure you check and photograph every inch of your rental car and compare it with the damages sheet. There was 10 lines of damage on the car i got and i missed a small scratch. Also the fuel was listed as full but i didn’t realize it was at a quarter tank until i was already a few kms away. Luckily I had taken a photo of the dashboard before leaving and a video of the whole car. On return the guy accused me of getting into an accident and pointed out all sorts of « new » damages, all of which showed up in the video i took before leaving. In the end they still charged me 250€ for a small scratch that was proven to be there before. First and last time using these scam artists.
Amanda Winston

At first I thought they offered a good friendly service, the car was clean and well presented. The 2 complimentory little bottles of water were a nice touch. BUT they scammed me! On confirming the rental agreement they offered a service of refuelling the car at no extra cost than if I had refuelled at the local petrol station. But it was no true, they charged for a full tank of fuel, even though I had only done 280km, 1/4 tank at most! Then I looked at other reviews and this is not the first time they have conned people. Avoid this company, read the reviews (not the rating on EasyJet!)
Samuel Schue

Paid in full when I booked but ended up paying double what I originally paid in fees and prepaid fuel after the fact. When I asked about the charges after I returned the vehicle they said there was nothing they could do.
paul de carvalho

Service lamentable. Une attente interminable à l'aéroport. Un véhicule Fiat 500xl délivré très sale et avec de multiples rayures et petites bosses. Mais le pire ce fut au retour du véhicule où un employé nous a reçu d'une façon odieuse et a tenté de nous imputer plusieurs rayures et dégâts sur la voiture. Ne prenez surtout pas cette société ou alors faites noter au départ tous les dégâts. Des nuls, incompétents, et surtout des voleurs
Virginia JSZ

Excelente empresa de aluguel de carro
Maria Chiara Marino

Hanno cercato di fregarci su tutto!!!
baixo astral

Fuja dessa empresa. Entregam o carro de qualquer jeito. Inventam taxas e cobram por danos inexistentes muito tempo depois. Inaceitável.
Henrique Gomes

Empresa desonesta. Verifica o veículo na sua frente e um tempo depois te cobra por "danos no veículo".
luiz otávio Temido

Alugo regularmente carros c a Sixt e nunca tive reclamações, até o dia q aluguei para retirada no aeroporto de Lisboa. Alugo carro ao menos uma vez por mês em diversas locadoras e nunca vi mau caratismo igual.
Vincenzo Ardia

Bruttissima esperienza !! Consiglio vivamente di andare a prendere l'auto da un altro noleggiatore
emerson ribeiro

Gostei. Preço e atendimentos
Helton Dourado

Ao devolver o veículo faltava uma tampinha no pára-choques que custa 15 dólares , disseram que tudo bem e quando cheguei ao Brasil cobraram 320 EUROS no meu cartão ! Empresa desonesta , ainda não consegui ter meu dinheiro de volta , provavelmente terei que recorrer à justiça
Ricardo Pacheco Rezende

Pior experiencia de aluguel. Cobrança exagerada e indevida de dano no veiculo. Cuidado.
Selma Almeida

Entregar o carro em Lisboa foi um martírio. O GPS não localiza. Fiquei dando voltas no aeroporto até achar onde deixar o carro. Péssimo!
jose reis

Beware of this company they will rob you blind. Rented a car for three weeks and when I brought it back half an hour later got a call saying I did not leave the keys. I told them had left it in the box in the parking lot. One week later received a bill for $825 for damages to the car. They said there was a scratch on the front bumper passenger side. I told them that I was aware of it if they look on my contract, the employee had put a circle on the damage and I told them I had pictures of the car when I picked it up. They still bill me anyways saying the scratch is bigger. It was my first time and the last time and if you don't believe me go to you-tube and see other people who had exact same problem as I did. This is straight out fraud and since I am back in Canada and they are in Portugal they feel I can not do much about it, but.......
Krisztián Walter

Just as shady and untrustworthy as some other smaller car rental companies that you hear horror stories about, the only difference is they charge a lot more, that however doesn't reflect in the way they treat their customers. Their internal communication is terrible, clueless employees tell you something on the spot, and you will get an email later on about the total opposite. Absolute lack of quality control. Unsubstantiated claims, unexplained charges, and absolutely no chance for a decent communication. Email answers with one sentence, or no answer at all. No apology or anything whatsoever for clearly making mistakes, unacceptable. Would have expected much more from a company that represents itself worldwide, as it is now, it's a disgrace.
Ivan Sivkov

I regularly rent at Sixt and I always get great vehicles in brand new condition and quite generously equipped. Although I never purchase additional insurance, the company never pulled any tricks on me upon vehicle return. However I highly recommend that one should inspect and photograph every single detail of the vehicle upon rental start - that extra 10min of your life pays off and protects both parties from situations.
Marie Rouvier-Amblard

Côté commercial, tout est parfait. Pour récupérer la voiture, c'est service minimum et surtout très très rapide avec sourire en option. Côté restitution, la voiture est passée au crible (et là, c'est carrément flippant). Pour une jante rayée, on signe le document présenté et quelques jours plus tard, votre compte est prélevé de près de 180 €, sans facture d'aucune sorte! Avec ça faites vous rembourser par l'assurance....
Eugene Rouba

Обманывают на бензин!!! Мошенники. Будьте осторожны.
Nela Goncalves

Several people have complained about Sixt in Portugal! They offer cheap rates only to lure clients into renting - but as soon as you return you vehicle, they will turn around and charge you ridiculous prices for minor damages that were not caused by renters - one Client that was charged 450 Euros for the car Key, which was returned in perfect working order! Scandalous. DECO needs to be informed about these thieves - this shameful operation needs to be closed down.
Daniel B Goncalves

Note: 1 star is lowest rating possible on MAPS, not what this company deserves. We consumers need to make better use of these free services and listen to those who have had bad experiences with these serial abusers like SIXT Car Rental Lisbon. Let's all wake up to scam vendors. Please.
Sofia R. Juárez

En Portugal funcionan bastante mal, después de contratar el servicio de alquiler de coche en el aeropuerto de Lisboa, nos tuvieron 1 hora esperando, según nos dijeron, llenar el deposito de gasolina. Ante nuestra queja pasado este tiempo, optaron por cambiarnos de coche, pero no cambiaron la hora del alquiler.
Stephen Brown

Beware! Charged EUR 750 for a tiny chip to the windshield. This facility is below Sixt standards. Recommend you try a different vendor (there are plenty of others nearby).
jean julien peria

DO NOT RENT A CAR THERE ! I rented a BMW 1 serie back in Sept. After few days driving around the car had an alert saying the engine was missing oil. I contacted sixt customer service they told me stop at the first station buy some oil and refill the oil tank, and said "when you return to the airport we will refund you."..well it did not go quite this way. First the people at the airport did not want to register the complaint, they gave me an adress where to send my receipt which I did...few weeks passed, no refund, SIXT claim that they did not received the invoice. What is the point of renting premium cars if you offer low cost service !!! The cars are definitely not serviced properly in this franchise..RUN AWAY !
Manuel Pungo

Horrivel, Descontentes pela nao aquisiçao de serviços extras, incluindo seguro premium, inventaram anomalias para cobrar abusivamente franquias. Danos nao detetados na devoluçao do carro, foram incluidos em um boletim de verificaçao nao assinado por mim, sendo retirado mais de 500€ da minha conta Para mim, uma empresa a nao recomendar pela sua postuta desleal
Jorge Goncalves

As a Portuguese citizen living abroad I normally promote all that is Portuguese with enormous pride, and despite having had this claim settled by my insurance company, I would be remiss to not warn potential renters against what in my assessment are systemic fraudulent business practices of SIXT @ Lisbon Airport. Never have I encountered such underhand behaviour and I have seen some. Renters beware!
Marie France

Mail abusif reçu 10 jours après le retour du véhicule, prétextant des dommages sur le véhicule loué. Facture : 200,00 €. Procédure en cours. Prenez des photos du véhicule lorsque vous le rendez..! Abusive mail received 10 days after the return of the vehicle, claiming damage to the rented vehicle. Invoice: 200,00 €. Proceedings in progress. Take pictures of the vehicle when you return it...!
Yossi Gabay

קבלת הרכב היתה מהירה, הרכב שקיבלנו היה טוב. כשהחזרנו את הרכב לקח המון המון זמן למצוא את מקום החזרת הרכבים השכורים, זו היתה משימה קשה. השילוט חסר ומה שקיים מאד לא ברור. לא מובן למה זה צריך להתנהל כך. המפקח שיחרר אותנו בחיוך ואז שאל אם הביטוח נעשה דרכם וכשאמרתי שיש ביטוח מלא אבל הוא נעשה באמצעות Rentalcars, המפקח אמר שהוא חייב לבדוק את המכונית ומיד מצא שיש שפשוש בגלגל (מוזמנים לראות את התמונה-השפשוף בין שתי הנקודות הירוקות) אבל אל דאגה, זה יכוסה על ידי הביטוח שעשיתי. האמת היא שזה פטנט קבוע של חברות השכרת הרכב וכבר עברתי את זה מספר פעמים בחברות שונות. זה היה סיום מאכזב, מכוון שתהליך קבלת הרכב והרכב עצמו היו טובים. האמת היא שהשפשוף כפי שניתן לראות בתמונה הוא מינורי לחלוטין וכמעט לא מורגש ובכל מקרה הוא בגלגל שנמצא בתנועה וחיכוך עם הכביש. הייתי מצפה ליחס אחר. בכל מקרה, הביטוח שעשיתי יכסה את הענין הכספי, אבל לא את האכזבה מחברת ההשכרה.
Thomas Feldhoff.

NIE WIEDER !!!! Vorsicht vor diesem Auto-Vermieter! Wir waren zum Golfurlaub in Portuga und hatten uns vorab einen kleinen Wagen per Check-24 gemeitet. Dort War der Vermieter Argus zu erkennen. Dahinter steckt allerdings Sixt. Am Suxt-Schalter angekommen eröffnete uns der dortige Mitarbeiter dass es in Portugal verboten sei ein Golfbag auf der Rücksitzbank zu transportieren. Wir können es versuchen, meinte er, aber würden wir erischt, so müssen wir 600 € zahlen. Einzige Möglich keit wäre ein genügend großer Wagen der 2 Koffer und ein Golfbag in den Kofferraum bekäme. Ich bersuchte das vor Ort zu googeln, was mir aber auf die Schnelle nicht gelang. Weiter Mieter hinter uns wurden unruhig und der Mitarbeiter machte Druck uns zu entscheiden. Wir entschieden uns dann den größeren Wagen zu nehmen mit einer höheren Versicherung. Dummerweise war das ganze so gedreht, dass wir lediglich eine höhere Versicherung in HÖHE von 250 € vor Ort on Top zahlten und lt. Mietvertrag der große Van uns dafür ohne Aufpreis überlassen wurde. Im Nachhinein sowohl bei Check 24 als auch bei Sixt beschwert und man will sich auf NICHTS einlassen. WIR werden nie wieder bei SIXT und nie wieder bei ARGUS ein Fahrzeug mieten und ich kann jedem nur empfehlen dies auch nicht zu machen. Im Nachinein hat sich natürlich rausgestellt, dass die Aussage des Mitarbeiters freii erfunden war !!!
Carmen Chau

Shame on you scammers. Sixt at Faro airport scammed my retired father into buying extra insurance while he was already covered by the carrental website, they simply refused to release the car if he didn't sign. You guys should be ashamed of yourself
Olivier Bourg

Je confirme, à fuir! Parking sombre, check-in minimaliste, check-out à 4 pattes avec une lampe torche pendant 15 minutes alors qu'il y a une queue pas possible... Oh ben c'est bizarre, on a trouvé une petite rayure qui n'était pas répertoriée au check-in... 4 mois plus tard, je reçois la facture : 170€ de frais de réparations + 35€ de frais de facturation!!! Accompagné du contrat où on a grossi les lignes illisibles des conditions en prenant bien soin de les stabiloter!!! Heureusement, il existe encore des loueurs sérieux... mais ce ne sera plus jamais Sixt!
Tomáš Juřica

305 Euros taken from my credit card one month after returning the car. No explanation was given, no email sent. Sounds more like a scam to me.. Edit: I had to call Sixt for explanation. They told me that they found a scratch on the car and send me its pictures. Funny thing is that the scratch was not on the car when it was being returned. Fortunately I took photos of the car before I returned it so I have evidence against Sixt.
Christian L.

Victime de la même arnaque lue ici* . Mettre une assurance , en faisant croire que c’était le prix de la location du véhicule. La location déja payé chez Ryannair Hire , sur le contrat figure la mention Valor Estimado Total: donc cela va se regulariser tout seul lors de l'édition de la facture. Finalement aucun intéret à passer par Ryannair Hire , promo jusquu'à moins 30% je cherche encore , et celle-ci m'est revenue 80% plus cher. Passez directement par un loueur sauf SIXT évidement. * avis de sébastien.C

Faites très attention, ce sont des arnaqueurs. Pas d'état des lieux du véhicule a la remise du véhicule. Lorsque vous rendez le véhicule ils vous disent que tout est ok et bien-sûr ne donnent pas de papier qui en atteste. Pour par la suite 1 mois après on m'a débité une somme sans explication (430€ dans mon cas). Sur la facture ils indiquent seulement " réparation dommage" c'est tout. Impossible d'en savoir plus par tel. On vous donne une adresse mail pour faire votre réclamation et on ne vous répond pas bien entendu. Surtout n'allez pas chez eux!!!
Raquel Carvalho Brito

Excelente experiência com a Sixt! Nosso carro quebrou e em 5 minutos já tinhamos reboque, e trocaram nosso carro imediatamente. Preço bastante justo, comparados com outras agências e serviço super eficiente!
Joaquim Amante

Sixt Aeroporto de Lisboa Devolução do veículo demorada, devido à falta de uma linha de devolução mais ampla. Desorganização dos funcionários - agressividade, falta de compreensão quando o voo era às 7h15 da manhã e os funcionários entravam às 6h e a linha estava já lotada, onde me foi recomendado chegar "ainda mais cedo" (Cheguei às 5h50) Vários condutores estacionaram paralelamente à linha e um funcionário ameaçou provocar danos nos veículos se os mesmos não fossem entregues na linha.

Just say no to all extras or insurance. Just say no, cause the sixt workers gain with the extras so they will try to sell you. So you just have to rent the car and say no to all other things ( insurance, better car or full gas tank)
Stephane Carvalho

Quelle Arnaque! comment est il possible que le Portugal accepte à des gens si malhonnêtes, devoir représenter un pays qui ne mérite pas cela.. quelle honte. J'ai loué une voiture une semaine. Il me retire 100€ pour un service de plein, que je n'ai pas demandé... puis 200€ plus d'une semaine après, car semblerait il, ils auraient découverts une rayure que j'aurais causé 10 jours avant... impossible la voiture est restée dans un garage d'amis, d'ailleurs je n'ai roulé que 110km, un AR aeroport -setubal.. enfin, évitez vous les problèmes allez chez Hertz!
Liberty Rodrigues

Plus jamais!!! Mon expérience : -Location pour 4 jours 62€ -Qui se finit par 510€ -Aucuns recours quelconques -On a votre emprunte de carte bleue PLUS JAMAIS!!!
Frederic LTN

A fuir. Je loue très fréquemment des voitures. Check IN: Outre le classic combo tentative de vente d'assurance complémentaire et de surclassement hors de prix, l’hôtesse (très désagréable) m'a vendu quasi d'office un service de restitution du véhicule le reservoir vide.. J'ai du insister lourdement pour qu'ellel enlève ce service facturé 80€ alors qu'au final le max que l'on ait pu mettre dans le reservoir était 40 euros. Je me suis quand meme fait avoir, j'ai gardé le télépéage a 2 euros jour car, selon ses dires, c'est obligatoire au Portugal (totalement faux, possibilité de prendre des tickets au péage pour se rendre en Algarve). Remise des clés: Voitures sales dans parking sombre. Attention à la pris en charge du véhicule que vous devez faire par vous meme. Ayant un doute j'ai insisté pour qu'une personne de sixt vienne inspecter le véhicule. CONSEIL, prenez des photos avant de démarrer. Cela nous a servi le jour de la restitution ou 2 personnes font le tour et vont jusqu’à se mettre à plat ventre pour chercher la petite bête (Qu'ils n'ont pas trouvé grace au photo). En résumé, TOUT CE QUE L'ON DÉTESTE CHEZ UN LOUEUR EDIT une semaine après. Apres avoir pourtant signé le check out, Sixt me facture 30 euro car j'aurai perdu la documentation du véhicule .. photo de la boite a gant vide pour preuve. C'est une arnaque caractérisée. Je n'ai jamais vu ca ailleurs. Je vais essayer de ne pas me laisser faire.
M. Miah

One word: SCAM!!! This location is doing a disservice to the Sixt brand. This location will cheat you in every way they can. Read all the other reviews. My experience is similar. I'll never rent from this company period because of this location. I wish I could give them negative stars, because that one star is still too much.
Alex Zimmermann

This is a fraud! I gave back my car and you ensured that everything is ok. Now I received an email from you with a damage that is not from me. I already wrote 4 emails but you didn't reply and deducted 180 euros from my creditcard. Who can I contact? But for sure: Don't book with Sixt ever again!
Sophie de Baudus

they are CROOKS!!! no inventory at first, then they will find you a small invisible bump, and will take your deposit without your agreement. They are dishonest, to flee absolutely !!! A FUIR ABSOLUMENT, CE SONT DES ESCROCS! Ils refusent de faire l'état des lieux avec vous, pour au final, vous trouvez une petite bosse minuscule à l’œil à nu, et vous retirer 600€! FUYEZ!
Meisters Meister

Be carefull thy will get more money from you with extra service like prepaid fuel and special Incurrence. Cars quit new
gianni aitoro

Sconsigliato! Noleggiato bmw a Lisbona quando riportato auto fine noleggio un loro addetto ha controllato auto è detto che era tutto ok, dopo a distanza di 3 mesi mi viene addebitato sua carta credito un presunto danno mai fatto e soprattutto non contestato e verificato da loro addetto al ritiro . Poco professionali, poco seri, poco collaborativi ma soprattutto disonesti! diffidate! Mai capitata un’esperienza così negativa in tanti anni di noleggi con altre compagnie.
Jennifer Dos Santos

Contrairement aux avis négatifs que j'ai pu lire, mon expérience avec Sixt est très positive. J'ai recupéré la voiture louée (le modèle choisi au préalable sur le site de réservation) très rapidement après l'atterrissage. La receptionniste ne m'a pas forcé à prendre d'assurance supplémentaire car ma carte VISA Premier en inclus déjà une. Le retour de la voiture a été très rapide.
eran ganz

Beware of Credit Fraud! Shocking! At the time of the vehicle's return, a minor defect was discovered in a fabric wire that supports the surface located in the trunk. It's a thread that looks like a shoelace. The company representative claimed it was minor damage and that no such damages would be charged. After about a week I was charged € 250 for the damage. And then for another 78 euros that I do not know what originated. Disgraceful behavior, sending automated emails. Damage for fabric wire may not be charged at 250 euros. They steal you credit when you are already in your country with no ability to communicate with them.
Jessy B.Mendes

Voleur ! J’ai payé une voiture Type ( fiat 500 ) Via internet 60 € ( essence, manuelle ) je me dirige a sixt une fois arrivé À Lisbonne la dame me dit gentiment qu’il n’y a pas de petite voiture , pas d’essence , pas de manuelle ! En fin de compte je me retrouve avec la dernière Mercedes sorti en 2019 automatique , diesel , une grosse voiture pas pratique du tout pour Lisbonne ! Pour la somme de 272€ !!! En plus de mes 60€ Une horreur cette agence !! Je n’y retournerai pas .
Vincent Le Berre

Plus jamais chez Sixt ! Grosse arnaque,vous allez payer des surplus de nulle part et vont te chercher une rayure pour qu'au final celle ci ne soit pas réparé et prennent de ta caution !!! Arnaqueur.
Frédéric BRANGER

A fuir absolument. Pas d’état des lieux de départ. Vous récupérer la voiture dans un parking assez mal éclairé. Au retour, quand vous rendez la voiture, ils retrouvent une rayure minime sur une jante alors qu’il n’y a eu aucun problème pendant la période de location. Impossible de contester si vous ne voulez pas rater votre avion... Résultat une facture de 160€ pour des réparations qu’ils ne feront jamais et qu’ils refacturons au prochain client. Lamentable!
Rudzy Cam

In July 2019 we rented a Mercedes sedan for a few days from Sixt at the Lisbon Airport. When we returned the car - the attendant went right to the front drivers side tire and identified a small scratch on the rim. We would not have looked for a scrape on the rim when we rented the car. They charged us $357 Canadian for damage that we were not responsible for. We tried to resolve the problem at the airport and then by e-mail and were met with misinformation and a lack of response from Sixt. This is clearly a money making scam for them. We have rented cars for many years in several countries without issue. This was the worst experience we have ever had. We will never rent from Sixt again.
gustavo praetzel

Nada a reclamar, atendimento excelente da funcionária que me atendeu. Todas as explicações sobre o contrato foram prestadas corretamente. Agilidade na retirada e devolução do veículo.
Florian Hauser

Bei Abholung wurde mit allen Tricks versucht doppelte Versicherungen, Tankservice, Road-Service dazuzuverkaufen. Nach einigen Mühen haben wir das bezahlte Auto dann doch ohne Aufpreis am Flughafen Porto bekommen. Die Rückgabe in Lissabon war eigentlich recht unkompliziert und problemlos - eine Bestätigung, dass alles ok ist hätte ich per Mail bekommen sollen - ich warte auch nach einer Woche noch auf die Mail - zum Glück habe ich das Tablet vom kontrollierenden Mitarbeiter abfotografiert. Wie schon ein wenig befürchtet, wurden vor einigen Tagen dann etwa 75 Euro abgebucht - ohne Rechnung und ohne Grund - ich warte jetzt auf Antwort von Sixt, Vermittler oder Kreditkartenausgeber. Resume - Finger weg, um nichts besser wie billige Diskobtanbieter.
Mohammad Gani

Lamento bastante ... em a sixty renta car ter tirado o valor no meu cartão visa a quantia de 532.90 euros no dia 24/10/2019 após 11 meses do aluguer ...grande roubalheira...lamento bastante...quando fui deixar o carro fizeram o registo como tem acontecido nas outras rentacar...a viatura estava a ser entregue em boas condições e perfeitas ..e como eu estava com pressa para apanhar o voo...o funcionário manda nos assinar os papeis em como estava tudo perfeito. Nao sei o que terá acontecido por detras na minha ausência se nos quadradinhos ele põe um x..e nao posso provar...assinei em como estava entregar a viatura em boas condições .irei pôr um advogado para me provarem toda esta roubalheira... por terem a autonomia de entrar nas contas entram e tiram o valoe dos clientes sem autorização ..grande roubalheira .. E fazem justificações falsas sacam o valoe das contas.. Isabel maria felizardo

Absolutely horrible experience, started with them telling me the car I reserved would not be large enough for my family and charging double ($1100) for the next size up. Ended with getting a letter in the mail a month later that there was a 3 inch scratch and charged me an additional $300 to fix. We dropped the car off "after hours" because nobody was there at 6am as promised. we could not wait for someone because we had to catch our flight.

Sixt accused me for having missed the car documents in the glove compartment while I never even opened it. They charged me 30 euros + 30 euros hadeling fee for their own insufficiency, unbelievable! I used to rent at so called 'cheap' agencies all the years and never had troubble. Seems like this summer sixt tried to trick customers with low prices, and then earning by blaming them for non existing problem. NEVER AGAIN!
Stefan Rietmann

Wartezeiten können auftreten; Service ist gut und in verständlichem Englisch gehalten; einfach zu finden

Corrupt company. Ripp off. Same experience as other reviewers. The company charges you for car damages that were there before rental. Many people complains about this. BEWARE
Sébastien Campo

Grosse arnaque, vente forcée de l’assurance omnium qui coûte +- 100€ pour 3 jours, en faisant croire que c’était le prix de la location du véhicule... Plus jamais !!!
annamaria Ciriello

State alla larga da questa compagnia se non volete subire una truffa. Noleggiata auto con assicurazione casco, copriva tutti i danni escluso rottura cristalli. Al momento della riconsegna l’addetto ci liquida in 2 secondi dicendo tutto a posto non c’è bisogno di nessun controllo avete la garanzia totale, potete andare. Tornati in Italia dopo una settimana arriva una mail di Sixt dove contestano una scheggiatura molto evidente sul parabrezza anteriore lato passeggero con foto di un danno al vetro che poteva essere su una qualsiasi autovettura e non la nostra e foto dell’auto da noi noleggiata con la targa in evidenza ma fotografata in modo tale da escludere la visione del parabrezza lato passeggero. Addebito immediato su carta di credito 570 euro. Ma con me il giochetto non è riuscito. Ho subito contattato un mio amico avvocato in Portogallo che mi ha consigliato di contestare con raccomandata l’addebito dei 570 euro minacciando di ricorrere alla giustizia. Dopo una settimana senza neanche una parola di giustificazione hanno emesso nota di credito e riaccredito dell’importo su carta di credito.
Airton Malanski

Fiz a reserva para um modelo e não fui atendido. Acho que faltou boa vontade.
Nathan King

Overall a great rental experience, and a great car. Prepaid and got the right type of car upon arrival. There was no line when I went to the counter. It's worth paying to use the Via Verde electronic tolling device because you're going to encounter toll plazas all over; you'll get billed for the tolls after you return the car. The customer service was easy to work with at all stages of the rental. All receipts and documentation were emailed. Overall I had an above average experience!
Sargon Zaya

I wish I couldn't rate them 0 start they are the worst company ever I have deal with we got there early morning the car was somewhere dark somebody come and he said the car is checked all around any scratch or damage is marked we trust them we toke the car drove for hour to get home and get some rest the second day was my second time driving that car and we sow scratch on windshield from the driver side and they charge us for that 737.02 euro that is insane very bad company I have very bad experience with this company and this is the second time I don't recomend the sixt rent car to nobody
Роберт Инкогнито

Charged an additional fee of 240 Euro for a missing extra tire can spray. (That I didn't remove from the car.) This is just scam.
Volf Mario

The worse rental company ever! Let you wait 40minutes at the parking even telling yu at desk, that car is ready. After 40 minutes waiting you don't notice scratch in luggage room which is normally hidden and charge you after 600 EUR. This is a robbery! I think they let you wait by purpose...
Moritz H.

Ging recht schnell. Keine Beanstandungen

I had booked in advance through a third party website an SUV. when I was in reception the employee informed me there were no more SUV's and offered me a downgrade to a sedan which i don't like. I refused and unbelievably the employee told me he cant help and i should go cancel the order with said 3rd party... absolutely disgraceful behavior. after he saw i wasn't giving up for the vehicle he offered - miraculously an SUV appeared in stock... it was disappointing to begin my vacation with this company and it will not happen again !
J. De Mato

Buena compañía, claros y transparentes. Con buena flota de vehículos y precios correctos.
Paulo Resende

Don't let the sales people convince you to get anything you don't want. Push for the car you ordered. Everything else went well. Take it out full and hand it in full. It's the best way to go.
José Peixoto

Carros novos preços justos alinhados com o mercado atendimento maravilhoso.
Zuzanna Zielińska

Bardzo miła i pomocna obsługa przy wypożyczeniu samochodu. Nikt na siłę nie wpychał dodatkowego ubezpieczenia. Protokół zdania samochodu przyszedł od razu na maila. Nie sprawdzali czystości auta tak jak niektóre wypożyczalnie, które każą sobie płacić 10 euro za mycie po oddaniu (pracownicy chyba sami to robią na lotnisku). Nie wiem skąd taka niska opinia tej wypożyczalni. Samochód był wypożyczony przez pośrednika w bardzo dobrej cenie z dodatkowym kierowcą gratis. Także gorąco polecam.
Rüdiger Engels

Finger weg von SIXT am Flughafen Lissabon!!! Auto über ADAC inklusive aller Versicherungen gebucht, 243€ für 10 Tage, dann kam das böse Erwachen. 40€ wegen späterer Abholung als vereinbart ( Flug war ausgefallen und wurde 6std später durch geführt) 60€ Zusatzversicherung für reifen und Glas, obwohl bereits enthalten in dem oben gebuchten 243€? Zuwenig Kühlwasser im Motor und Waschwasser leer, frontscheibe total verdreckt bei Übergabe! Am Ende hat der Spaß 400€ gekostet, beschwerde beim ADAC hat mir nen 20€ Gutschein für die nächste Anmietung gebracht, ein Witz. Für nachtanken wurde 75€ plus Steuer berechnet obwohl vorab gesagt wurde es wäre inklusive?! Wer nur wenige Tage in Lissabon ist sollte Taxis nutzen, die sind sehr günstig ca 10€ vom Flughafen ins Zentrum. Nie mehr wieder werde ich bei SIXT ein Auto mieten.
Paulo Monteiro Da Costa

C'est presque de l'arnaque. On vous dit vite fait qu'ils vont enregistrer votre carte bancaire pour activer l'assurance, car ils disent que vous en avez pas. Faites très attention car ce qu'il vous active c'est l'assurance tous risques qui c'est en supplément et coûte plus cher que la location de la voiture, alors que vous avez l'assurance basique au tiers. C'est bien une assurance tous risques mais qu'on nous la propose et que c'est à nous de décider. Heureusement que j'ai regardé le montant avant de composer mon code. Ils vous facturent aussi l'activation du badge autoroute, ils vous disent que vous allez recevoir un mail avec le détail des péages et que vous ne payez rien de plus, j'ai dit ok mais je me suis aperçu après que l'activation m'a coûté presque 8€. Le plein d'essence c'est une vrai arnaque, on vous fait payer le plein d'essence de suite et on vous dit que vous pouvez restituer la voiture avec le réservoir vide, c'est bien, mais si vous utilisez que la moitié du plein l'autre moitié ne vous ai pas remboursé. Je me suis dit que ce n'est pas sérieux leur façon de faire, pour moi sixt c'est fini...
Matthew Brezinski

I rented a car through Sixt for my honeymoon and purchased the insurance (LDW) for the car so that just in case anything happened to the car, we would be covered through Sixt's insurance. The lady at the front desk who rented us the car said that this insurance covered any and all damage to the car. Great we thought, we will be covered if anything were to happen. I signed the car rental agreement that included a portion where they covered existing damage to the vehicle which included a small chip in the windshield along with some other damage to the body of the car probably from stones on the road etc. Everything went well during our rental period with no issues whatsoever. When we returned the car back to the Sixt rental car at the Lisbon Airport, the guy who took our return back said that we were good to go and that the car was in good condition so nothing to worry about and we did not need to sign any paperwork. We finished our honeymoon and arrived back home about a week later when I received an email from Sixt saying that there was damage to the vehicle and I was liable for about 469 Euros plus 35 euro for their assessment. I thought to myself, how could this be? I purchased the insurance that supposedly covered the whole vehicle, I returned the car and the guy who took it back said it was in good condition and I was good to go, and I barely used the vehicle besides driving from the rental location to my hotel and back and nothing went wrong. I called Sixt and spoke with their Car Damage team and she told me that there was new damage to the vehicle. According to her, she said that there was a crack in the windshield and that the insurance that I purchased from them does not cover windshield or tire damage. What?! I could not believe my ears. The insurance that I purchased through Sixt, does not include damage to the windshield or tires?! Am I supposed to know that? Is that a standard question that I should ask when renting a car if the insurance that you are selling me includes the tires and windshield? Who in their right mind after travelling 12+ hours to get to a destination needs to even think of asking this questions? In addition to that, I took a look at the return check-sheet that they filled out when I returned my car, you know, from that the guy who said the car was 100% in good condition filled out. First red flag, they did not give me the chance to sign this piece of paper and my signature was not even on it. Second red flag. in the EXACT SAME SPOT where there was existing damage, they claimed that is where the new damage was. How convenient. In the same exact place where the existing damage was, they marked that I caused new damage, and because my insurance did not cover windshields, I will be liable for a brand new windshield! After going back and forth several times with them, they "reassessed" the situation and decided to not proceed with the charge. I was relieved, but still in shock that this happened to me and put a very sour note on the return home from our honeymoon. I cannot begin to imagine all of the poor people out there who have fallen victim to being charged in oversights like this and not having the courage to fight back. This is the first time I have rented through Sixt and will absolutely be the last. When you travel outside of your country, there are already many things to be cautious about, but you do not expect to be scammed by a rental car agency that I have heard good reviews about. I never write reviews but I had a need to write this one to help protect people against this Sixt location and the types of ways that try and get more of your money. To whoever is reading this, please read contracts thoroughly, and if the mark that there is existing damage, take photos, videos, whatever you can of the car so that you can protect yourself in the event that this could happen to you too. Do yourself a favor and rental through another agency and not this Sixt.
Patricia Di

Nie wieder!! Schon zum zweiten mal wurden uns Schäden an einem Fahrzeug angehängt, die definitiv nicht von uns stammen. Beim ersten Mal konnte nach zahlreichen E-Mails das Problem gelöst werden und Sixt hat uns das Geld zurücküberwiesen. Dieser Vorgang zog sich jedoch über fast ein Jahr! Nun haben wir wieder ein Auto vor Ort gemietet und erneut wird uns ein großer Schaden unterstellt! Falls jemand vor Ort ein Auto mieten möchte, unbedingt detaillierte Bilder des Autos machen. Wir werden hier definitiv nie wieder ein Auto mieten. Reine Abzocke!
Concita Cruz

Péssima, serviço ruim e 0 honestos
Maciej Lorek

Very fast, very easy. This is not the first time I rent a car with Sixt and everything is ok. Pick-up in Lisbon, return in Porto without any additional charge. Deposit released after three working days.
Michael Bayly

Never ever user Sixt, total rip off. Hidden costs, unfair policies, and lieing attendants. Firstly, we accidentally returned the car with 1 bar missing in the fuel tank in Lisbon. I watched the service attendant pick up a cannister and fuel up the tank, a process which took all of 30 seconds. For this we were charged €30 (Not including the cost for fuel). Regardless of your 'company wide policy' how is this just or fair? Effectively, a 30 second task valued at €30 puts the hourly rate for that task at €3,600, ridiculous. Secondly, we purchased an etoll services kit at the desk at Faro Airport, which we were informed would cover us for all of our toll booth crossings and would mean we don't have to pay for these. We were told the kit would cost us around €20 whereas not buying the kit would mean we end upaying manually for these costs and it would equal roughly €30 for the time we were on the road. The attendant even said you will save around €30. This seemed like a bargain for us as we were on holiday, and wouldn't need to think about payment for tolls, which in NZ is a timely exercise. A month later we receive a bill, and for how much? €30. The kit we purchased didn't cover the cost of the toll booth crossings, it JUST automatically paid the crossings on our behalf. How is this not correctly explained? We were told this would replace the cost of the toll booth crossings, not add additional costs to the trip. Why would we sign up for an additional fee when we're already trying to reduce our holiday cost!!! Ridiculous, hidden costs, once again.
Yoan J

if you are paying for the full insurance, you may not get any issue...otherwise for those who expect to use "gold credit card insurance " or minimum insurance : good luck, their objective is clearly to make additional money on your back!! i am gold member of sixt & never has such issues in other countries (France, Croatia, I did rent a car in august for 19 days - first of all, the queue at your arrival is quite long and it takes hours to get your car (unless you have a baby ?) - The gold card member does not change anything - At the counter the guy had a poor english - the car that was initially proposed was VERY SMALL one compared to the category we paid for- Apparently it was "in the same category" (fortunately we could change after insisting for 15 minutes !)it was too small to fit our luggages - I noticed - the tank was not totally full but after waiting for more than 1 hour decided not to complain... After 19 days driving in portugal we drove back to the airport to get our flight - no accident , no issue with the car... -it was early & the check out was quite Fast I was suprised that nothing was signed and I asked him why Finally he gave me his smartphone for a digital signature => i signed on a screen where it was written "0 missing items / 0 new damages " I took a picture because i felt he was strange... After a couple of days I received an email asking me to pay for a scratch on the Rim !!! and withtout my signature what did I sign ? !!! The Employees name "MR JORGE CALDEIRA E" is a liar. ---- update 1 month later : after showing the picture of the smartphone at the checkout ; sixt replied " we will not be proceeding with this charge." conclusion : record/take all pictures you can make sure you sign a receipt documenting the state of the vehicle (to avoid further damage after giving it back good luck !
Tina Kohler

Make sure to check the car thoroughly before leaving. They don't check the car when handing it out but of course when you return it. The employees refused to check the car at pick up, so I took pictures of all scratches and bumps, luckily - because at return they put it in the protocol. Dear Sixt, you won't fix your fleet on my insurance. There was a very long waiting time at pick up and not enough seating possibilities. You have to pull a waiting number which many people didn't even understand because it was not very obvious. The employee doing the contract was friendly, that's why I give 2 stars instead of one.
Valerio Sulfaro

Prenotazione effettuata con 6 mesi d'anticipo ad una cifra, viene sovraccaricata al banco prenotazioni di Lisbona di circa 60€, e confrontando la vecchia prenotazione e nuovo preventivo risultano esattamente le stesse voci, iva inclusa. Inoltre l'agente/venditore ha tentato in qualunque modo di portarmi verso un upgrade dell'auto tentando di confondermi sulle cifre (io richiedevo il prezzo finale, lui parlava di costo giornaliero dell'auto esclusi tutti i parametri come protezione gomme/vetri, ecc). Do 2 stelle anzichè 1 solo ed esclusivamente per la qualità dell'auto che era buona (pochi km). Ritengo che questo non sia il modo di trattare un cliente. creando un clima da "fregatura dietro l'angolo", che lo fa scappare e di sicuro mai più tornare!
Jiří Kachyňa

Be very careful with this company if you want toll device (Via Verde) to be activated. At least just double check if you don´t want to get surprise envelop like me. I asked for that during my rent in 2017, but after 2 years ago I got envelop with surprise of penalty approx 80€ that I have to pay for highway + some extra of course, because I did not have the device activated, even if I asked on the pick up desk :-) Customer service team of Sixt respond to me after 3 weeks of making urgency by email or phone to them. Response was just political -> please see invoice attached, there is no evidence of toll all the penalty I have to bear by myself....nice
Svein Rune Stiland

Effektivt og ingen mas om ekstra. Enkelt og likefram. Leverte over forventning på bil uten noe tillegg.
Marina Rodríguez

Northern Utah Football Officials Association Board

Read the other reviews and understand that if you rent from Sixt in Portugal they will rip you off. It is a scam they are running. You will drop off the car, they will do an inspection and tell you all is good. Then 3 months later after you've left the country of course, they'll email you and tell you they are charging you for damages found after "Secondary Inspection." They charged me and extra $470.00 dollars for damages that we absolutely did not do. Nearly $500.00 worth of damage would have been easily spotted at the time of return. I'm telling you...THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF. Stay away.
Mark Moravits

Total fraud. Avoid at all costs. We rented through them in Sept 2018 (12 months ago). Yesterday, an erroneous and totally fraudulent charge of $2,000US shows up on my credit card. Thankful to my bank for working to take care of it. Beware that they will do everything to rip you off, so check your credit card statement carefully for at least a year after your rental. What a scam. Shame on you, Sixt.
Carolina Benitez

Solamente destaco tener cuidado al alquilar por algún site porque no es del todo claro y el precio puede variar cuando llegas al local y "sugieren" otros costos que teóricamente estaban incluidos al hacer la pre-reserva por internet. El servicio y atención de los funcionarios muy satisfactorio
Nicole Buchholz

Leider haben wir eine sehr schlechte Erfahrung mit dieser Autovermietung gemacht. Wir hatten für 8 Tage ein Mietauto über Check24 bei Flizzr/Sixt (sie arbeiten zusammen) am Flughafen in Lissabon gebucht. Dafür hatten wir bereits etwa 160 Euro gezahlt - komplett versichert. Als wir unser Auto abholen wollten, sagte uns die Mitarbeiterin allerdings, dass unsere Versicherung nicht zählt und wir eine Zuatzversicherung buchen müssen, die extra nochmal etwa 220 Euro kostet. Zudem sollten wir noch etwa 60 Euro für mich als Zusatzfahrer zahlen, da mein Freund keine Kreditkarte hat und er ohne diese auch das Auto nicht bekommen hätte (aber das war noch das kleinste Problem und noch recht verständlich). Wir hatten extra einen Zettel von Check24, auf welchem stand dass alles bezahlt ist und wir nix mehr zahlen müssen. Doch die Mitarbeiterin wollte ihn sich gar nicht erst ansehen und sagte zu uns, dass das sowieso nicht zählt. Sie meinte, da wir den Wagen über Angus Car Hire gebucht haben, wäre es dort versichert, aber nicht bei ihnen und zählt somit nicht für den Wagen, den wir von ihnen bekommen. Vollkommen unverständlich, da ja auf den Unterlagen stand, dass wir das Auto bei Flizzr/ Sixt abholen sollen. Wir sagten, dann stornieren wir das Auto. Denn nochmal knapp 300 Euro extra ist schon sehr viel Geld (zumal das Auto ja nur 160 insgesamt kosten sollte)! Doch wenn wir es storniert hätten, hätten wir kein Geld wiederbekommen und die 160 Euro wären verfallen. Also blieb uns keine andere Möglichkeit als die 280 Euro für eine Versicherung zu zahlen (+ 300 Euro Kaution), die wir ja eigentlich bei der Buchung schon bezahlt hatten und das Auto zu nehmen. Sie bot uns noch eine Option an - eine 2000 Euro Kaution.. dann hätten wir nix zahlen müssen. Aber wir wären dann gar nicht versichert gewesen. Das war uns dann auch zu unsicher. Naja.. auf jeden Fall möchte ich vor Flizzr/ Sixt warnen bzw. einer Buchung über Angus Car Hire, damit euch nicht auch gleich zu Beginn des Urlaubs die Stimmung versaut wird. Sehr ärgerlich..
margareth henriques

ATTENTION je loue des voitures de location à l'aéroport de Lisbonne et à l'aéroport de Porto depuis plus de 10 ans. c'est la première fois que je passe par sixt et ce sera la dernière tant cette agence est malhonnête, ce sont des escrocs et je pèse mes mots. j'ai loué une voiture chez eux pour une semaine, un prix correct et abordable puisque hors saison. Je me rend au comptoir pour récupérer les clés de la voiture, un agent me donne les clés et me montre le véhicule. ce dernier présentais des rayures minimes sur la carrosserie ainsi que sur les jantes qui n'étaient pas mentionnées sur le contrat de location. Je retourne voir la personne du comptoir qui m'explique (attention à l'arnaque) que les rayures inférieurs à 5mm n'ont pas besoin d'être noté. Sur le coup, cela m'a paru bizarre mais après un voyage de "h d'avion, plus l'attente à l'aéroport etc... avec des enfants en bas âge on se dit bon d'accord. (sauf qu'en réalité, je n'avais pas de mètre pour pouvoir mesurer ces rayures, et la personne du comptoir regarde vaguement avec vous le véhicule en vous disant que tout va bien; il n'y a aucun soucis. hors au retour du véhicule, vous faites face à un véritable expert automobile, qui scrute chaque millimètre du véhicule, je n'avais jamais vu ça. Et la encore, la peur de rater l'avion vous fait signer n'importe quoi malgré que l'agent me dise que rien ne nous sera prélevé. Mais à ma grande surprise, je reçois un mail quelque semaine plus tard m'informant que je dois payer 162€ par cette bande d'escrocs. Et grâce à l'empreinte de votre carte, ils peuvent prélever le montant qu'ils souhaitent sans que vous ne puissiez absolument rien faire. A EVITER et A FUIR
jose alfredo

Sempre muito atenciosos, excelente empresa, carros super em ordem, nota 10. Muito diferente das concorrentes
Şelale Zaim

Extremely poor customer service. Very slow to respond to e-mails without even reading my complaint. Customer service at location has attitude and was rude. They tried to charge me more than double the price I had shown up for and would not reverse it.I ended up making a new reservation and paying almost double my web quote. Also the original car I got was out of battery. Left my shoes in the car, called immidiately within 30 minutes, but the shoes were never found. Super irresponsible and untrustworthy and a scam. Avoid.
2 1

Molto maleducati e aggressivi nel dare risposte.
Katie Hoffmann

I would never rent from them again nor recommend them to anyone. After waiting an hour in the airport in line to get our reserved car, they really tried to upsell everything. They also told us they had to give us a bigger car, which is not an advantage in Portugal (ie narrow streets and old towns). The girl said, well you have a lot of luggage (which was not true). They then asked if we wanted a diesel car because diesel was cheaper at the gas stations. My boyfriend asked if it would be the same price. She replied it would be an extra 15 dollars per day. She then asked if we wanted extra insurance, then if we wanted to prepay for gasoline (which would have been much more than buying at gas station). I answered all of these questions already which I pre-reserved the car online two weeks ago. I told her this, these continued to try to upsell and ask all of the questions again. She then told me the credit card I had to put down in case of damage needed to be the same as the one I booked with. Why? No reason at all. She said I could add myself as a driver for 10 euro. I said okay, since it seemed to be the option that would get us out of the airport the fastest. When I checked the bill later that day I saw she had charged us an extra 10 euro per day for a total of 40 euros. What a scam! She did not communicate this to us at the time of booking. They also got our return time incorrect and ended up charging us for an extra day at a higher rate than I had booked online. The reason the wait to get your car is so long is bc they are trying to scam you in person and this takes a long time at the counter. I cannot express strongly enough that you should avoid this company at all costs. There were several other rental car agencies with long lines that seemed to move much faster. It was the dark spot on or otherwise wonderful vacation.
Leslie Chang

I read all the negative reviews and was hesitant to rent a car in Portugal, but I really needed a car and this place was the cheapest one that wasn’t a budget rental that had automatic transmission. Thankfully, I didn’t have any problems at all renting a car here. As usual, be very thorough when you receive your car. I found damages that weren’t already noted by them and made sure they wrote it down in their system. I got the e-toll service which lets you use the verde (green) line and zip on through. Tolls were also much cheaper than what I had to pay in spain. When returning the car, there was a bit of a queue to get through since all the rental companies have the car return all in the same area and there’s two lanes only. Something to keep note of if you’ll be tight on time.
Kinga Siedliska

Horrible service. I have been charged 110 euros extra with no reason. Totally disappointed. While asked in the office why they have charged me extra the member of staff said rudely and ignorantly she couldn't help. If you come to Lisbon airport i kindly advise you to stay away from sixt rent a car unless you want to pay extra money for no reason. I would like to add something now.. after a month they have charged me another 70 euros. This is crazy! How come they are keep taking money from my account? Trust me don't go for this company!!!!
Jasper Sluijmers

Complete chaos bij Sixt vliegveld Lissabon, ruim 1,5 wachten voordat je papieren in orde zijn gemaakt, daarna de auto ophalen op de tweede verdieping van een parkeergarage waar alle verhuurbedrijven zijn gevestigd. Wederom een oneindige lange chaotische acquisitie. Auto was netjes maar met wat schade van een eerdere verhuur. Aangemerkt echter geen duplicaat ontvangen. He begrijpt het al, bij terugbrengen van de auto wederom een complete chaos, oneindige files om de parkeergarage in te komen. Geen ruimte om kinderen en tassen uit te laden, alles moet snel, snel en rijden als gekke weg met de auto. Opmerking gekregen over de schade, laten aanmerken dat deze al geregistreerd en bekend was. 3 weken na de vakantie krijg ik een mail waar een paard de hik van krijgt. De schade wordt mij aangerekend. Mijn beklag gedaan en foto’s inclusief rapporten opgevraagd, weer 3 weken verder. De schade is door mij veroorzaakt en de kosten worden op mijn creditcard verhaalt, zonder toestemming en zonder overleggen van de gevraagde documenten. Nu weer in afwachting van een reactie van Sixt. Wat een ongelooflijk waardeloos bedrijf, met een zeer termijn visie.
Josselin Brunel

Honteux Ne vous fiez pas au prix que vous payez sur internet parce qu'ils vont essayer de gratter tout ce qu'il peuvent ! 1- surcharge vous vous prenez le véhicule après 00h (40€) cela pourrait paraître normale. 2- vous payez le fuel qu'il y a dans le réservoir quand vous prenez la voiture (76€) et il vous ait aussi demandé de la ramener avec le plein. 3-j'ai fait un accro sur une jante et je suis en tord, mais j'ai demandé à la personne (personnel Sixt) si il y avait un supplément et il m'a assuré que non. Hors quelque jours après factures de 130€ + 35€ de frais de gestion de réparation Il attente bien votre retour pour vous annoncer la nouvelles et aucun moyen de contester sur le moment l'argent est bloquer sur votre carte et leur service customer envoie un message comme quoi il y aura du délais dans le trailer de la requête dû aux nombres demande ... Résultats le prix sur internet à tripler et ceux sans pouvoir rien faire. Ils profitent de la panique, de la fatigue, de la confusion (barrière de la langue), et de la gentillesse des personnes. En attendants leurs réponses Un client pas très content
Tamas Ugrai

Crazy long wait. Also you need to take a number which you wouldn't notice if you just get into the really long line piling up in front of the kiosk
B Smart

Beware, extremely deceptive practices to charge you additional money for services and insurance that you may not want without disclosing what you are being charged for. Again, beware or go with a more reputable company, stay away from these dolls.
Ernesto Signore

Una compagnia che truffa!! A fine vacanza in Portogallo il 15 agosto abbiamo consegnato io ed un mio amico 2 auto a Porto, ma ritirate a Lisbona. Nella mia auto hanno trovato un piccolo graffio nella bandella di plastica nera sotto il paraurti anteriore, ma l'operatore mi ha detto che potevo contestarla perché non avevo avuto il controllo al ritiro del veicolo. Non ho mai ricevuto la mail o la fattura da poter contestare, ma ho già ricevuto a distanza di circa 20 gg dalla consegna 3 addebiti per totali 370€ circa , di cui il primo forse riconducibile a benzina ed autostrada, ma gli altri 2 per totali 260 € non ho proprio idea a cosa fanno riferimento! E non ho mai ricevuto mail. Ho prenotato con Rental Cars facendo la polizza ma finché non ricevo un documento giustificativo dell'addebito non posso attivare la polizza. Ho fatto reclamo a Rental Cars per far si che contattino Sixt, ma non riescono a contattarli. Occhio alla consegna del veicolo. IO NON PRENOTERÒ MAI PIÙ SIXT!!!
Michael Moeser

Alles gut gelaufen,immer wieder
Sam Sam

Faites attention c’est des escrots, ils vont vous donner des voitures endommagées et au retour si vous faites pas attention il vont vous changer les prix des dommages, je viens d’avo Une facture de leur par de 319 euros plus 35 euros de frais pour un dommage que j’ai jamais fait, attention attention c’est des voleurs
Kyle Brykman

DO NOT RENT SIXT. It is a car scamming business. Months after by rental they claimed I damaged the car (nothing was reported on drop in) and have been harassing me to pay for damages that I never caused.
René van Buuren

Absolutely perfect. No queues at all. Really friendly service. Very reasonable fair-wear-and-tear policy. Returned about 35 minutes late due to the giant traffic jam resulting from the airport's extremely poor road planning, but it was no problem at all. The car was checked immediately and we were out of there within 5 minutes.
Valeriy Y

Стандартний набір разводок (страхока, верде, авто вище класу + 20 на день), але цього разу є і нові, черз якись страйк на заправках, вам необхідно взяти машину з повним баком, а повернути з пустим, таким чином вам продають бак бензину за 90евро .... Віддавали машину швидко, питань не винекло хлопець відразу на майл відправив лист, що все ок, депозит 300 повернули протягом тижня
nuno bernardino

Ils vous poussent à chaque fois à prendre des grosses voitures. Ils essaient de vous faire craquer, en vous voyant avec beaucoup de bagages, en vous demandant si vous allez faire beaucoup de kilomètres....du coup vous refusez leur offre, ils vous donnent une voiture 1.0 litres essence, même si vous réservez une compacte, quelques fois vous avez une diesel mais bon ils essaient de vous intimider. Ils sont tous formés pour arnaquer les pauvres touristes qui ne comprennent rien de la bas!!!!! Vous demandent de faire des assurances des scoots (autoroutes, via Verde) etc...à la fin tu paies plus que le prix de la location de base, c'est le Portugal touristes.........

Lamentável. Quando da locação, percebemos que não havia a documentação da Mercedes classe E alugada, de modo que foi perguntado ao preposto se não havia problema. Disse que não, sendo que bastava apresentar contrato de aluguer. Sou brasileiro e estava a visitar Portugal. Não conheço a legislação local no que se refere à documentação obrigatória. Nenhum acontecimento houve no ínterim. Na entrega, obviamente fora perguntado sobre o documento do carro ao que disse que não me fora entregue. Expliquei novamente. Então, me fora dito que estava tudo certo. Não anotaram qualquer pendência quando do check out. Passado um tempo, a sixt atribuiu a mim a perda do documento, me tomando de absoluta surpresa. Nunca havia tido qualquer problema nas inúmeras locações que fiz em vários países. Nesse caso, no entanto, percebi que não se pode confiar apenas na palavra. Somos parecidos. Metrópole e Colonia.
Aleks Markovic

Make sure you rent with a prepaid credit card. They will charge you toll fees weeks after you return the car even if you opt to pay for the transponder. No reply when contacting the company. Stay away if you can from this scam company.
Filip J.

Kind staff, but that's all. Kind is not enough if you're not informing customer correctly. We returned the car with full tank and we were charged anyway for fuel - over 100 EUR!!! Car returned in good condition and fiew weeks after return - suprise 350 EUR for damage - but I'm sure that there wasn't any scratch. It's not my first rental, but this one is definately THE WORST. Will update you regarding my complaint :(
Joao Mouta


Utku Özdemir

An intentional damage (scratch) that was not caused by me was put on me, and charged me for additional 391 euros. Don’t get scammed here.
Yolanda Juan Senovilla

Difícil de encontrar el punto de entrega en aeropuerto de. Lisboa Por lo demás bien
Vincent L

Be careful, this sixt agency is a scam. When we give back our car, they didnt say anything. Once we were back home in France, they charge us 320€ for a fake problem on our wheel... Please don't use this agency and take care of the scam
Iza Samelo

FUJAM DESSA EMPRESA!!!! FIz a reserva pelo celular, com a informação de que poderia cancelar gratuitamente. Aluguei por 34 euros. Qdo pousei e fui até essa empresa, me disseram que eu teria que pagar uma multa de 40 euros, pq passava da meia noite! Só q em lugar algum havia essa informação! Me trataram muito mal e me mandaram voltar para o Brasil!!!! Um absurdo! Funcionários totalmente despreparados.
Luis Pinheiro

Horrible. I should have read past reviews. Two weeks later I’m still struggling to get my security deposit back. Avoid it like the plague.
David Infante

Censé m'attendre à ma descente d'avion, qui avait du retard. Résultat, arrivée à 2h du matin avec 1h30 de retard, résultat : personne a l'aéroport, obligé de prendre un taxi (7€) et un hôtel en urgence (80€) sinon obligé de dormir dans l'aéroport... Énorme scandale de la part de sixt ET de Ryanair...
Melanie M

Bisher hatte mit Sixt immer alles problemlos geklappt.. ABER: Achtung in Lissabon! Online hatten wir bereits die Automiete gezahlt. Vor Ort hieß es dann am Schalter, dass wir aufgrund des Streiks (Tankstellen) den Tank leer statt voll wieder zurückbringen dürfen. Dies wurde uns ausdrücklich mitgeteilt! Tatsächlich wurden uns dann aber die Tankkosten berechnet und es hieß, wir hätten prepaid fuel akzeptiert. Die Dame am Schalter hatte uns schlichtweg hinters Licht gefürt - zack 110€ weg. Werde in Lissabon nie wieder ein sixt Fahrzeug buchen!
Ronan O'Connor

They're probably the cheapest of the well known car hire companies in Lisbon but there's always a 30 minute plus wait to get to a desk. Since just about everyone books online , the mind boggles at why each interaction takes so long. Staff are unfriendly and switch straight to condescending when asked why charges appeared on bill (it's a deposit, but was never mentioned)
Clairon Jéjé

Beware of the 'moustache' young guy at the airport, and of this rental company. The just rip you off. They made us sign an option to give back the car with an empty fuel tank, because there was a strike in Portugal and nobody could tell if it could be possible to have fuel in the country. The told us that if we give back the car with a full tank, we wouldn't have to pay for this. We gave back the car with the full tank and guess what..? They took money of this option AND the full tank!! They ripped us of 150euros. Avoid this company, they are liers.
Lydie Maz

Accueil très froid à l'aéroport de Porto. J'étais en avance sur l'horaire prévu. Plutôt que de me dire "merci de revenir à l'horaire prévu " on m'a servie en rallant et pestant. Je n en garde pas un bon souvenir. Par contre véhicule nickel et agent dans le parc très agréable. Formalité de retour à Lisbonne très rapides... on avait l'assurance tout risques ça facilite.

A fuir absolument . Ils m'ont arnaqué pour une rayure sur la jante de plus de 150 euros. Voici la photo de la rayure Evidemment ils ne vont pas réparer.S'il vous plait, faites des photos et des vidéos, ce que je n'ai malheureusement pas fait quand je suis arrivé fatigué à 23h30. Por favor evite essa agência! Please chose another rental car!
Bruno Luis

A pior companhia para alugar um carro. A informacao dada no aeroporto e' incorrecta e acabam por enganar os clientes. Deram-me um carro de uma gama superior pelo mesmo preco e tive que pagar portagens mais caras quando me disseram que o veiculo era na mesma de classe 1. E dao como desculpa eu nao ter pago por ter o dispositivo deles que e' um autentico roubo e nao preciso do dispositivo para nada. Apenas me esconderam a informacao. Nunca mais. Pportugal no seu melhor.
Daniela Peña

Pongo una estrella por no poder poner CERO porque la verdad es que nunca me había sentido tan estafada por una empresa. Ni bien llegamos nos recomendaron que subamos de categoría el coche porque había una huelga de combustible y no nos aseguraban poder repostar entonces nos convenía tener mayor autonomía (luego nos dimos cuenta de que no había ningún desabastecimiento de combustible) luego nos dijeron que la suma ascendería solo 150 euros pero al llegar la factura fueron 350 más. Además no nos aclararon el tema de los peajes muy claramente lo que finalmente supuso un engorro para todo el viaje. Estamos reclamando el tema del importe a cobrar porque nos parece ridículo que nos digan un precio y después nos cobren lo que se les antoje (200 euros más!!)
Phil Sanzari

Just absolutely horrible. The reservation was not honored. I prepaid 799,50 EUR for this reservation on January 6th, 2019 for an IDMR vehicle group reservation; over 6 months in advance. I arrived to pick up the car 15 minutes earlier than the reservation time, as the reservation language was so strong that I must be punctual; I waited something like an hour in the line, to be told that they do not have my car. I do not understand how you can call it a reservation if there is not a car being held accordingly. I was given three options; to pay an additional 160 EUR for an upgraded sports car (I had already gone over budget on this reservation so I did not), to take an automatic sports car (I do not drive automatic willingly), or to take a manual sports car 'Qashqai' like my reservation that was petrol gasolina 95 that might cost me a bit more for fuel. She said it was an upgrade; I had no idea what it was at the time as we do not have them in the USA by that name. I elected to take the 'sports car' that sounded like it was like my reservation based on a perceived small increase in fuel costs. I again confirmed with the desk that it was a manual sports car like I had reserved. The rental agreement was printed indicating an IDMR 'Nissa Qashqai Ult Pet Man' and signed and I went to go get the car at the garage. At the garage, I was taken to the massive Nissan SUV, which I was stunned by. I confirmed with the garage staff this was the vehicle I had just agreed to take and was beyond frustrated. At this point, we had probably spent 2 hours at Sixt and I was now being told I would have to take this massive SUV that I could barely get out of the garage for my trip. They saw my frustration and told us we could wait there, potentially all day and maybe another car would come in that we could take but that there was no guarantee, and also that there was an accident in the garage that was preventing them from getting more cars in currently. They again said this car was what my reservation was for, and I even looked at the rental agreement again that indicated IDMR. What I later realized on my plane ride out is that even the key for the car indicates the vehicle's ACRISS code is IFMR - it is an SUV. I consider this detail to be particularly fraudulent. This vehicle was so big I had trouble driving around the many locations we visited, often having to park on the outskirts of areas and take cabs to and from the Nissan. This car rental was to be our vehicle to transport my brother-in-law and his bride-to-be on their wedding day, but I was unable to get this SUV to the church. Additionally, I also explained a major problem the car had to the returning agent; the air conditioning only worked about half the time of our trip; he said he would include this information in the return when I explained it to him verbally. We were so frustrated with the complete lack of air conditioning in our initial four-hour drive, and were unable to get through to the Sixt support call line number provided in the car, that we drove to the Vilamoura location to try to switch cars. At this location my wife ran in (since I was unable to get into the location for parking without a swipe card) where she was mocked and laughed at as she explained the issue in english; she returned to the car on the verge of tears. It was truly unbelievable that Sixt staff would treat her this way, and I decided at that point to give up since Sixt was having such a profoundly negative impact on us and our trip. Sixt responded to my above complaints after 18 days and four separate emails stating “We have reanalyzed your case and confirmed that all the process has been handled according to the established procedures.”
martial ct

beaucoup d'attente à la réception du véhicule. personne peu agréable. Voiture impeccable. Somme débitée supérieure à la somme prévue + 30 €. Service client au abonnés absents …
Steve Goodspeed

Avoid! Avoid! Avoid! The worst costumer service what I’ve ever seen in my whole life. The stuff English wasn’t good enough for this job which is more than ridiculous in 2019. I’ve tried to pay the deposit by debit card but the guy said they can accept only credit cards. After that I spent with the head office on the phone approximately 30-40 minutes without any result. Finally we stayed without car until our second day and used an other company with better price and conditions. Definitely NOT recommended Sixt Lisbon keep far from this company!
Jean-Louis Enjalbert

Bon accueil, véhicule impec Restitution sans problème. Puis on a été débité de 86€, alors qu'on nous avait dit de ramener le réservoir vide que cela était offert... C'est de l'arnaque, cautionnée par la politique Sixt. A bon entendeur.
Mengyuan Zhang

Just listen to all those low ratings and RUN AWAY from this horrible company!!! We had the worst rental experience in Europe. All staff we’ve talked to are rude, judgemental, condescending, arrogant, and incompetent. They give you bad attitude from the very beginning. The pick up procedure is mismanaged and every customer just had to wait for hours for signing the contract. And afterwards they send you to the pickup counter to wait for another two hours because the car “is being cleaned”. We booked our car for a day trip and half day was wasted because of their incompetence. When you argue with them the only response is “this is all we can do” “you have to wait miss”. No apology whatsoever. They treat customers as garbage. And they misinform clients on purpose. On the app we were instructed to return the car before 7:30pm. Since THEY caused a huge delay, we asked to return the car later. And they REFUSED with another condescending “we cannot change that this is all we can do”. We called the customer service hotline and were told it was always totally ok to return after 7:30 because what we paid for was 24hr rental. So the girl from the pickup counter is either stupid or just wicked. I never had such an unpleasant experience with rental car companies. HORRIBLE company and staff. Just AVOID.
Tulio Sabbato

Alugamos um carro nas férias de julho nessa agência. Aguardamos por mais de 2 horas. As desculpas eram imensas. Carro no abastecimento, na lavagem. Foram incapazes de propor outro modelo visto que o mesmo não estava pronto. Estávamos com duas crianças que estavam cansadas após 10 horas de vôo. Um atendimento horrível. Se pudéssemos teríamos cancelado essa reserva. No final do aluguel, entregamos o carro na parte da manhã, mas faltava o que eles chamam de "chapeleira". Aquele acessório para esconder as bagagens do porta malas. Fui correndo buscar na casa que estávamos e entreguei a peça na parte da tarde. Entregamos no terminal aos cuidados do Sr. Jorge Caldeira. Pedimos um recibo da entrega que nos foi negado. A pessoa que nos atendeu no terminal disse-nos para ficarmos tranquilos e que tudo fora resolvido. Para minha grande surpresa, duas semanas depois recebemos um comunicado de que seria debitado de 524,10€ por darem falta da "chapeleira". Expliquei o ocorrido e que o acessório teria sido entregue no dia 26 de julho logo depois da entrega do veiculo. Eles simplesmente ignoraram minhas mensagens e telefonemas e me debitaram. O caso foi encaminhado para minha assistência jurídica e estou tomando as medidas cabíveis para fazer oposição junto a minha instituição bancária. Portanto, NAO ALUGUEM COM ESSA LOCADORA. ELES SAO DESONESTOS! MELHOR OPTAR POR AQUELAS QUE JA ESTAO HA MAIS TEMPO NO MERCADO COMO A EUROPCAR, AVIS E HERTZ.
Mohand Aliouche

Attente interminable, réception à la chaîne, personnel commercial dont l’objectif est de vous louer les bmw et autres grosses voitures peu importe le véhicule de base Je déconseille vivement
Geoffrey Marney

Queues were very long on Saturday morning, I waited about 1h30 mins to get my prebooked car! I booked in advance a "premium car" BMW 3 series or similar. They were desperate to give me a more compact car the Merc A class saloon. After a bit of pushing they finally found a BMW 3 series estate. Probably more work then its worth though!
Kristen Dufauchard

Beware of the damages they claim you make to the vehicles. Take photos and ask the attendant to measure any damages you see before you drive off. We ended up paying for damage that was already present even though we were told not to worry at the time of the rental. It seemed to be normal wear and tear, so we didn’t bother. They should be ashamed of ripping off customers. We will not be using this rental service again when visiting Lisbon. Document EVERYTHING before driving off, and go in early to return. We nearly missed our flight due to the attendants’ mismanaging the return car lines.
Jetty Boonstra

We hebben hier deze zomer Een auto gehuurd Prima Geen extra kosten Geen gedonder Vanuit het vliegtuig koffers halen paar meters lopen auto oppikken en weg wezen Dat ging snel En ook het inleveren Het is er werkelijk een autoverhuur fabriek met al die bedrijven Maar je vind de weg snel en inleveren ging ook vlekkeloos snel En dat tijdens hoogseizoen Ik raad ze zeker aan En we hadden een prachtige nette auto
Rick Schönbucher

Schnelle Rücknahme aber enges Parkhaus
Adrian Stan

They rip you off! They charged me for gas, although I filled it up at 6km from the airport, they sent me extra toll charges 2 weeks after, and THEY DID NOT ANSWER MY E-MAIL, but they kept sending me bills after. DO NOT RENT a car from SIXT. Ever!
Sébastien Villette

Worse renting service ever. 2h to get the paper in the office. 30min more to get the car which was not the model I booked (I got a cheapest one without any rebate on my invoice). On top of that, I got a little scratch on the wheel and SIXT never considered the above problems I suffered from in the discussion and forced an invoice on my account after tens of email exchanged I was saying I do not agree. First and last time with SIXT.
Bruno Rodrigues

Serviço de entrega bom, mas todo o resto deixou a desejar.

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